Smoke Rings

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1975
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Courtesy of Earl Rains, 209 N. Olive St., Eldon, Missouri 65026
Courtesy of Earl Rains, 209 N. Olive St., Eldon, Missouri 65026
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Well, here we go with a very Happy New Year Wish to each of you
as we begin the 10th year of publication for Gas Engine Magazine.
Our Family has really grown and we are hoping to continue onto
better magazines all the time. Write us, tell us your suggestions,
hints as to what you’d like and etc. Not always can we follow
through with the hopes of each one, but we definitely will read
your letter and think upon it.

Also, Fellows, please be patient when I can’t get all your
letters and stories in as soon as I would like. And, if it seems
too long that I’ve had the story, drop me another line and tell
me so and I’ll do my best to get your writing in – it is a
problem, but we keep trying to please. Just bear with us and
don’t be offended when material doesn’t hit the issue you
think it should. I’m just as unhappy as you are that I
can’t get your articles into print faster, but we do have to
stick to a limited amount of pages – but I do understand your

And onto letters from our Gas Engine Family – A. M. ZENNER, R.
D. 3, Medford, Wisconsin 54451 writes:

I have become a recent subscriber to this magazine and enjoy it
very much. I am living in the middle of a mystery. I still have the
base for an engine that was built right here in my home town. It is
a 1-1/2 h.p. air cooled. It had about three inch long fins on each
spoke of the flywheel for cooling hit and miss, battery ignition
with vibrator coil, which was built into the base as well as the
gas tank.

It was of the flat head type, no rocker arm, the exhaust and
intake were on one side of the cylinder. There were about 200 of
these made here in Medford when they quit business. A. Wausare
foundry took over the patterns and prints and they made a few

Myself and my brother, Leo, seem to be the only ones left around
here that personally operate this engine. By the way, they also
made these larger sizes 2-1/2 H.P. and 4 H.P. and also a 7 H.P.
There were about 50 or 75 of these sizes made. They were hopper

Another thing these engines are not identified, no patent, no
serial number.

I have a very sketchy picture of the two smaller ones, so if
anyone thinks he might have it I’ll oblige with a picture or
come myself. I’m 68 years old now. This would be the happiest
day of my life. Any help will be greatly appreciated and will be
rewarded. Pictures would help.

WALTER L. SKRDLANT, 709 N. Second Street, Norton, Kansas says:
‘I have been getting GEM for about a year now and I really
enjoy it. I didn’t realize so many people were interested in
old engines and tractors. I have had a John Deere B and an IHC F-20
for about two or three years now. However, the other day I got a
cement mixer with an IH engine on it. The engine is a 1-1/2 to
2-1/2 HP Type LB engine, 300 to 500 rpm. The serial number is LBA
111346. I would like to know more about this engine such as age,
specifications and colors. I plan to restore it. Also, I wonder if
someone would tell me if it is a fairly common engine or rare and
about how much would it be worth – as I am new at this.’

And from the West Coast, this writing: ‘I am a California
subscriber of Gas Engine Magazine and have been for several years.
I like the magazine very much – you are doing a good job. I
don’t hear much from our California Engine Family in the
magazine and there is a lot of them. (Let’s hear from you
Californian Gas Buffs).

I need some help on a Witte diesel engine that I picked up. The
nameplate is gone and some parts are missing. I don’t know much
about diesel engines, but this is an old engine and I would like to
restore it. It has a fuel pump and fuel filter; the fuel injector
system is gone and I don’t know where to look or what to look
for – I don’t know what else is missing. I was told it was a
Witte 9 H.P. It has a 4-1/4 in. bore and a 6 in. stroke, 21 in.
flywheels. It is free and in good shape. I would like to hear from
someone who may help me out. (I can hear a couple of you men out
there now saying – Gee, wish I could walk right over to his house
and take a look at it-bet I could help)! This man’s address is
ALBERT C. HIETT, Route 1, Box 1092, Delano, California 93215.

Here is a very gratifying letter – I know many of you will
really appreciate, because sometimes when you help these fellow
hobbyists, they don’t let you know if they were thankful or
not. This comes from MARV LONERGAN, 1448 West 2nd, Waterloo, Iowa
50701 – ‘These magazines are priceless, as are the people
I’ve become acquainted with since I bought my first engine a
year ago. A special thanks to Kenneth Kass of R. R. Dunkerton for
selling me my first engine. He has a beautiful collection of
engines and a jewel of a Waterloo Boy tractor.

Another person I owe so much, is Hep Crowell of Waterloo as his
knowledge of engines is endless. Although he is seventy-five years
old, his mind and wit is much sharper than mine at forty-one. I
have purchased engines from him and he gave me one. Also he gave my
wife a large antique coffee grinder. We truly love this great

Also Thanks to Dave Perry from Grundy Center, Iowa. I have
purchased engines from Dave, they are beautiful. Dave and I are in
the process of restoring a twelve HP Bessemer that I purchased from
Jerry Boeddeker from Ft. Madison, Iowa. We call this engine
‘Big Bessie’ as she weighs 3490 lbs.

There are many more guys that belong to the Antique Acres Club
at Cedar Falls, Iowa that really make folks feel welcome,
they’re just great.’ (And that letter is just great, makes
one feel pretty happy to know folks are really appreciative of
those who are so willing to help them along with this hobby. I bet
you’re quite a guy yourself, Merv).

A note from DONALD H. GREEN, Sec.-Treas. of Historical Engine
Society, Inc. Box 4061, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 who pens this short
item – ‘The Historical Engine Society of Kirtland, Ohio held
the drawing August 11th for the Stover KA-1 gas engine that was
advertised in July-August gas engine magazine. The engine was won
by Robert Rice, Jr. of Warren, Ohio.

We wish to thank the many readers of the Gas Engine Magazine who
purchased our raffle tickets and may you have better luck next

More questions from MYRON NECKAR, 494 Bryant Avenue, Glen Ellyn,
Illinois 60137 – ‘I own a Taylor gas engine which is horribly
mutilated. The flywheels are both broken, by a sledge hammer and
also the water jacket. One flywheel is whole, but broken off the
hub. The other is in several pieces but I have them all-could I get
these welded or do I have to get new ones made from the

Also, I have an Oliver 80 row crop style which I have
overhauled, has the first Sears knobby tires. Wheels are flat metal
rear. I think it was steel originally and I would like to know the
year it was built and the horsepower rating.’

CLIFFORD A. CARON, R.R. 1, Box 102, Faribault, Minnesota 55021
says: ‘I would like to ask if any of the readers know of a
connection between the Waterloo Boy 1916 to 1923 and the Hart-Parr
1917 to 1929. I have noted the following similarities. No. 1 – The
basic designs are the same. No. 2. -The 1917 Hart-Parr was also
rated 12-25. No. 3 – The bore stroke and belt pulley are the same
size. No. 4 -Waterloo is not far from Charles City. No. 5 –
Hart-Parr claims to have built the first Oil Pull – could they have
also built the Waterloo Boy?’ (To the task and give this man
some answers, Fellows):

EARL RAINS, 209 N. Olive Street, Eldon, Missouri 65026 writes:
The July-August 1963 issue of G.E.M. carried an article and picture
of my old Smith Motor Wheel engine. Recently I found among some old
photos, this picture of the old Smith Motor Wheel engine mounted on
a garden cultivator that I built. In the background was my (at that
time) new 1938 Plymouth. The cultivator was a good implement but I
believe that a mule would have been easier handled. Ha! I received
many letters, pictures and one long distant phone call from a lot
of fine people from various locations in the United States in
regard to the old Motor Wheel. Although I tried to answer all
letters I would like to take this opportunity to again thank all
the fine people, especially Benito Deesi of Paso Robles, California
who sent me a copy of an antique car magazine with six full pages
covering the history of the Motor Wheel. From this information, I
found that my engine is a 1917 model. I am sending another picture
of the old engine as it looks today.

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