By Staff
Published on January 1, 1973
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Hi out there in Engine Land! By now you are working on your
little gems for the upcoming season and if you have some spare
time, please answer some of our fellows who are really in need of
help.–And Happy New Year and may the Lord with Blessings shower
Thee in the Holy year of 1973.-Onto the letters:-

‘Pictured above is my old Garden Tractor I recently
purchased and plan to restore. It is a Pioneer, single cylinder,
vertical air-cooled, open push-rods and tappets, valves, etc. I
would like some information on this machine, such as color scheme,
type and shape of gas tank, year made, etc.’

This information comes from GARY J. OECHSNER, R. R. 1,
Campbells-port, Wisconsin 53010 and he would like more information
as you can read-Please see he gets some of his questions
answered–perhaps all of them, eh?

HAROLD B. KINNEY, SR. Route 1, Woodsvield, Ohio writes us:
‘I reside in South eastern Ohio and in an old oil field. We use
Reid gas engines to pump oil wells. Many of these gas engines have
been running here for 70 years. Could anyone furnish history or
information of Joseph Reid and his factory in (formerly) Oil City,

Any of you fellows have these type engines know anything that
would help Harold–he’d be mighty pleased to hear from you.

GARY W. TIDWELL, 21 Chesslee Road, East Hartford, Connecticut
06108 writes: ‘Having cultivated quite an interest in old
engines, I have so far managed to accumulate an 8 HP I.H.C., 5 HP
Witte and 2 (I think) 3 HP Novos. All are in good condition and I
hope to have them running by summer. I derive a great amount of
pleasure and satisfaction from working on these old ‘Iron
Monsters’.–Even if my wife does not approve! I would like to
obtain any kind of information on my engines. Looking forward to
hearing from you.’–There you are, owners of similar
engines–drop Gary a line.

ED BURGESS, R. D. 1, Laceyville, Pennsylvania 18623 would like
any information on a Jacobson gas engine, mostly what type of
magneto it used. The serial plate reads ‘Manufactured by
Jacobson Manufacturing Co., Warren, Pa., Engine No. 7464, size 4
1/8 x 5, 2 HP.’ This is a side shaft engine with upright
flyball governor just inside of left hand flywheel.–So share
information Fellows, please.

From ALBERT H. NIKKEL comes this encouraging bit, ‘I have
been receiving both GEM and IMA for a year now. I enjoy and read
every word but most of all, Smoke Rings. I have been collecting old
John Deere tractors and would like to hear from other collectors or
just John Deere fans’.

Now, Albert has mentioned some other items in his letter that he
just doesn’t know where to find and wonders what other
collectors do. I get many letters like this, Fellows asking where
to get particular parts. I have already put these in the column,
but I can no longer do this–only information. We have been accused
of free advertising when this is done and this upsets some of our
advertisers, which is understandable. My best suggestion to you
fellows looking for parts is to advertise in our classified Want Ad
section. You probably will receive help in this way.

A note from HAROLD M. DOUGLAS, 6400 HWY 25, R. R. 1, Milton,
Ontario, Canada–‘I was particularly interested in an article
on page 7 of July-August issue 1972, by a Mr. Phil King of
Granville, Massachusetts about the Deyo-Macey Engine Company of
Binghampton, New York. I have a Deyo engine, 31/2 HP, Serial No.
P205. I would appreciate receiving any information on this engine,
especially the year of manufacture.’

AL HUFFMAN, R. R. 4, Box 575, Evergreen, Colorado 80439 is
looking for any information on a Fairbanks Morse 11/2 HP, 500 RPM
‘Z’ engine.’ It is the only engine he is interested in
finding data on, so please help him, Guys!

Another friend seeking information is FRED CLEMONS, Route 8,
Columbia City, Indiana 46725 who states: ‘I have an Arco,
Series No. 925, that I am restoring. This engine was on a sprayer
built by the Hardie Mfg. Co., in Hudson, Michigan. Information from
any source concerning the maker of this engine would be

Several questions come from HENRY L. DORRUM, 13750 Marion Road,
Route 2, Chesaning, Michigan 48616 as he contacts us with the

‘I wonder if your readers could help me on a couple of old
engines I have. One is a 3 HP Peerless upright. It was made by The
Peerless Motor Company, Lansing, Michigan. I would like to know
what the original carburetor was on it (Was it a Schebler?). I
would like to know the original color scheme and any other
information would be helpful.

The other is a 2 HP Lansing No. W68452. I would like to know how
the magneto is mounted (EK Wico Mag) and the trip mechanism, size
of springs, etc.’

One of our members from up in the New England States writes Us:
‘We enjoy GEM very much. The gas engine hobby is just starting
around here. There have been three meets in New

Hampshire in the three years. Right now it looks like there will
be state-wide N. H. meets on a spring and fall basis. The locations
will vary for the spring meet, but the fall meet seems to be a sure
bet for the center of Dublin, next to the famed Yankee Magazine

An October meet was just held, and despite the wet conditions a
great time was had by all and the bean hole beans with all the
fixins were well served by the Dublin Fire Company.’

‘We’re happy to see the hobby is really spreading to
some of the areas it has not been enjoyed before this time. Welcome
to the Gas Engine Magazine family–hope you’ll stay many years.
The above letter was from JOHN W. DERBY, Sharon, New Hampshire

Another endeavor to restore an engine prompts this writing:
‘We are starting to restore a small 32 volt Delco power plant.
The engine is unusual in that the cylinder cooling fins are made of
sheet copper formed into a corrugated tube and fastened to the
cylinder. It has a fully automatic panel with four rusty relays on
it. The panel is completely shot. I would like to make new relays,
but do not know what each one should do’–(Anyone out there
able to help Mr. Hufnal?–His address is E. T. HUFNAL, 208 Penn
Road, Troy, Ohio 45373.

A question from H. LEWIS WALTON, Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania
17563 who writes: ‘In your current issue, one of the authors
mentions a Sattley gasoline engine. I am still using an old Sattley
new mag corn planter. Could some of your readers tell if both
machines were made by the same company? A little history of the
manufacturer would be most appreciated.’

LAWRENCE F. ULRICH of Box 105, Spalding, Saskatchewan, Canada
would like to see an article on hand fed threshers of the smaller
kind, thought maybe it would help the winter hobbiests to make a
model, etc.

A letter from ROLLIN PHILLIPS, 360 Elliott Avenue, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45215 is hunting any data on a Reid 20 HP natural gas engine.
Help-brothers of the Gas Hobby, please.

LARRY WERDEN, 282 Church Street, St. Mary, Ontario, Canada-Box
179 would like information on a 21/2 HP
Empire, speed 500 rpm, No. 67144. It has the Empire Cream Separator
Co. of Canada, Ltd. Montreal Toronto, Winnipeg stamped on it. He
would like to know how to time this engine.

A commentary from ZANE L. RENDER, 6820 N. W. 27th Street,
Bethany, Oklahoma 73008: ‘Now for a few comments from me–for
the past 5 years, I have wanted to start collecting and restoring
‘1 lung hit and miss engines’. About 7 months ago, I took
the bit in my mouth, so to speak and started learning all I could
about these. Finally, about 3 months ago I bought my first engine.
It is a 11/2 HP Chore Boy. It is mostly here
but gasoline tank and feed adjusting system is gone. I wonder what
parts I lack. Could any of your readers tell me? I’d be much

There are very few engines in this part of country. Not too many
were used and the scrap drive for W. W. 2 took care of most of
those. There are several very large ones used in oil well work, but
I prefer the small size 1 HP to 8 HP until I learn more of the
operation of them.

In July of this year, I went to the Waukomis Steam Threshing Bee
and thoroughly enjoyed myself. While there, they had a few copies
of G. E. M. and I. M. A. I bought some of these and immediately
subscribed to G. E. M. which I will say is the best magazine that I
have had the opportunity to read. Keep up the good work!
Photography is my Number 1 hobby so I really appreciate the photos.
Thanking you in advance I remain ‘Hooked on Hit & Miss

What a nice letter and a shot in the arm towards our work–makes
us feel good when we know we are making folks happy. And maybe
you’ll be be sending us some pictures one of these days,
Zane–we’ll be expecting some, since your hobby is photography

VICTOR J. LIPPI, 606 Cable Street, Van Wert, Ohio 45891 sends a
nice writing and is also seeking info.–‘I was wondering if any
readers of the Gas Engine Magazine ever heard of or has a Spayd
Bros, one cylinder, two flywheels, Horsepower unknown, old-time
gasoline engine manufactured in my home town of Van Wert, Ohio
about 1915 to?

I have many, many old time gas engines of different horsepower
and makes, but none of these type and I’m interested in
information on them. It will be greatly appreciated.

I enjoy the G. E. M. tremendously and I read it several times
over, before laying it away for future information. I have wished
many times that it were a monthly issue.’

A new subscriber writes us: ‘I received my first copy of the
Gas Engine Magazine last Saturday. I was surprised to see such a
large section of classified ads. I didn’t have any idea there
is so much available.

I don’t have an engine of my own, but have been helping my
cousin and uncle restore a 6 HP Challenge. The plate shows it to be
No. 3636. I know from a catalog that in 1929 the numbering was up
to 20,000 and from the Batavia Historical Society that the company
operated from 1867 to 1945. My uncle said the last time he can
remember it having run was 1923, but he can remember it being in
the family as far back as his memory goes. We would like to know if
anyone can tell us the year of this engine.’

Lots of questions to be answered this issue, so man your pens,
Men and write! That letter was from TOM CAMPBELL, Route 1, Box 115,
Zion, Illinois 60099.

A friendly epistle from JACK B. KILE, SR., from Sistersville,
West Virginia 26175 tells us: ‘I really enjoy each issue of
your magazine. I have loved old engines for years, but I didn’t
get real serious about collecting until a friend introduced me to
your magazine about a year and a half ago. I have around 20 engines
now, most of them running.

My oldest one is a 1909 Olds by Segar Type A 3, 41/2 HP. This
engine was used in an oil field to pump crude oil from a tank in a
valley to a large stack tank in another location, back in the 20s.
Its use was discontinued prior to W. W. 2 and the wooden base the
engine was mounted on rotted away and the thing rolled over an
embankment and landed on its side and when I found it, the right
flywheel and the air mixer was under the ground. To make a long
story short and not to mention the work getting the valve cages
out, loosing the valves, piston rings, etc. It ran approximately 15
hours at our first show in the Sistersville Oil & Gas Festival
this fall, along with several other engines of my neighbor and
fellow collector, J. E. Miller– and a few of my best ones.

We built a large trailer and had 5 engines running in a parade
the first day of the show and we received a beautiful trophy for
our first efforts.

We hope to see some shows in our neighboring state of Ohio next
summer as we are about seven miles from the Ohio River.’

I’m glad this column has become a happy medium of exchange
of ideas for you gas engine men and your hobby.– Many letters tell
me you like it and that brings us joy to serve you in this

By the way some thoughts on hobbies–If you have it, it’s a
hobby; if your boss has it, it’s an avocation.–The best thing
about a hobby is that it gives you something to do while you’re
worrying.–Everyone should have a hobby of some kind even if it is
only criticizing (there, must be better ones than that).–Hobbies
are a great help in keeping people from becoming neurotic, but what
about the people they live with?–(I’ll bet you Ladies like
that one–)

Hey Fellas–don’t forget your Sweet-heart–Valentine’s
Day is coming up. A little remembrance now and then-die won’t
even fuss about your hobby.

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