RICH HOWARD, Hysham, Montana 59038 encloses a picture of a Novo
that he recently acquired. He would like help in identifying it as
there is no nameplate. Also needs HP, RPM, possible date of mfg.,
original color, any and all help appreciated.
S.O.S. to anyone in Engine Land comes this signal from JOE W.
MORRIS, 112 Irwin Road, Powell, Tennessee 37849 or phone collect
615-938-3743: ‘I have acquired a vertical, water hopper-cooled
engine, no name on it. Top mounted water hopper about
12’xl2’xl0′ high and has had a bolted-on lid on hopper
with a filler plug and low level water test plug on side. Bottom of
hopper forms the cylinder head. Engine has roller bearings on
mains. It has oil pan and filler pipe similar to air-cooled
engines. It has a reduction gear box on side opposite flywheel with
1′ pulley shaft. Flywheel is very heavy 3′ face 13′
diameter with S.U. 61B cast in flywheel. Governor controlled from
enclosed governor weights. American Bosch magneto driven off
enclosed gear-Zenith carburetor. H.F. 3 on Float Cover Plate. Bore
33/8′-stroke 4′. If anyone can help, please get in touch
with me.’
EUGENE W. DYKE, 2711 Bach-man Road, Manchester, Maryland 21102
sends this picture of a 4 HP Waterloo Boy gas engine, saw rig, Pat.
dates, Aug. 7, 1900; Dec. 3, 1901; Oct. 7, 1902 and Aug. 6, 1907.
S/N 108871. Eugene is seeking the original paint color, decals,
striping and year manufactured plus any more information.
‘In your Mar-Apr. ’83 magazine, W.L. Bailet wanted to
know how to remove the crankshaft from two I.H.C. ball bearing
engines. This is how I removed the bearings from an I.H.C. F 20
tractor,’ says BOBBY EATON, Ethelsville, Alabama 35461.
‘With the engine block lying on its camshaft side (or the
water outlet side, depending on which hand you use a hammer with),
hit the inner race of the front bearing with a long punch
10′-12’. Turn the shaft 180° each time the inner race is
hit. It took 2 or 3 licks with the hammer for me to find out I
needed to hold the punch with vice-grips. Don’t forget to
remove the bolts holding the bearing retainer. The bearing retainer
will come out with bearing. When retainer is ‘ out from the
block a 3-jaw gear puller should hook to it. Tighten puller up
against shaft and hit puller with hammer. The bearing should come
off. Block up end of shaft with 2’x4′ or etc. Then with
sledge hammer and 4’x4′ or etc. wood block hit front of
shaft. Don’t forget to remove bolts holding back bearing
retainer. The shaft will then come out. Have someone to hold shaft
so it won’t fall on floor. It takes a lot of time but it works.
P.S.Oil ends of shaft and bearing will slide off better.’
‘Enclosed find photo of a hot air fan. It is believed this
fan was manufactured at Waukee, Iowa around 1912.I live 9 miles
from this town and we folks around here are unable to gather any
history of this item. It is thought that the building where this
was manufactured burned down in 1912. There seem to be no records.
Several of the fans still survive. Maybe someone has an old
advertisement or something that will give us some historical
information.’ This letter came from ART DICKEY, Living History
Farms, 2600 N. 111th St., Des Moines, Iowa 50322. Art will be
waiting for your reply.
‘Can someone please identify what type ignition system my 2
HP Economy takes? (see photo in Wanted, page 65 of May-June
GEM). Also need help timing my Ottawa log saw. I
can’t find timing marks on gears and I don’t know if the
push rod adjustments are critical. This Ottawa has a strange extra
note in the exhaust, possibly overlap. I’ve spent hours and
can’t make it run like a 4 cycle. Description of log saw in ad
also.’ If you have the answers, please write RICHARD FENLEY,
110 F Street, Port Town-send, Washington 98368.
A. L. McBANE, Route 1, Box 225, Snow Camp, North Carolina 27349
writes us: ‘I have recently acquired a piece of iron that I
haven’t seen before and I need any information I can get. It is
a Centaur 2-G made by the Central Tractor Company, Greenwich, Ohio
USA, S/N 327288. This information is on gear box and also name is
on radiator. Chain drive from gear box to differential unit built
on left front drive wheel. Engine is a 2 cylinder Le-Roi S/N
61599,31/8′ bore. No HP is listed. Picture shows the unit with
engine and radiator removed. It is badly worn and I have a way to
go to put it in operation but I’m working on it.’
(He’ll be waiting for your replies.)
‘I’m looking for information about an old marine engine
that I picked up a number of years ago. It is a Reid. It was built
at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, about 1896. It is definitely a marine
type engine. I have had discussions with several folks and know
that Reid engines were used for the oilfield pumping in western
Penna. and in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My question is really about Reid, of
Hamilton…I’d love to receive information (copies of
originals) about the Reid marine motors!’ The above note comes
from RIGGS A. SMITH, Marine Historian, 346 Janice Street, Endicott,
New York 13760.
TERRY KING, R.R. 2, Box 229, Rising Sun, Indiana 47040 sends
this: ‘I have a Delco water pump that I hope somebody can give
me information on. It has a Deming pump motor on it and was made in
1953, S/N 1-53, Model #A8170. There must be someone who has one
about the same. Would appreciate hearing from you.’
‘Have engine, need information!’ says NORMAN B. MYCES, 1
Buckingham Drive, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201. 717-263-4298.
‘Railroad section car engine-Sheffield, 2 cylinder, 2 cycle
horizontal air-cooled. No name tag, only numbers other than casting
numbers are stamped into front of engine 19073. Originally the
wheels of the car acted as the flywheels of the engine. Since I was
only able to acquire one wheel, I had to adapt a set of flywheels
to the axle shaft in order to run the engine. Who built these
engines? How old is it? And are there many in existence?’
A man with a lot of questions is MARLIN DAVIS, Box 72, Salem,
South Dakota 57058: ‘I enjoy your magazine very much. I’ve
been collecting engines long enough to know the garage isn’t as
large as I thought.
‘I have questions about three engines. 1) A Simplicity
gasoline engine made by the Turner Mfg. Co., Port Washington,
Wisconsin. It’s a hopper-cooled 7 HP #C2534. Would like to know
the color striping and year.
‘2) The Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co., Waterloo, Iowa, 2 HP,
#145952, last pat. date Aug. 6, 1907 sold by P. J. Downes Co.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota. What happened to the Downes Co.? What year
would this engine be? Would like to know the color and striping
also. Is there any difference between this engine and the ones sold
by Waterloo in Iowa of the same year?
‘3) Same questions on a 1 HP hopper-cooled 1 cylinder
Dempster made in Beatrice, Nebraska, Class 1K #9525. The name
isn’t cast on the side of the water hopper on this
KENNIS K. SCHLUCHTING, Rosalie, Nebraska 68055 writes: ‘I
have recently purchased an engine on which the plate reads The
Rayner Field mfg. by The Field-Brundage Co. Jackson, Mich. USA HP 2
No. 3356 Speed 550 RPM. This engine is very unlike any
Field-Brundage engine I’ve ever seen. It has a long undermount
rocker arm for the exhaust valve like a New Holland. As this engine
is incomplete, I need to correspond with someone who has one or
literature so I know what I am looking for. Hope someone can help
‘I am the owner of a 6 HP Alamo horizontal, hit and miss
engine and need the help of your Smoke Ring readers,’ says
MARVIN E. RUEBUSH, RR 5, Box 187C, Staunton, Virginia 24401. Phone
‘I am missing the carb and fuel pump for this engine. I
understand that the parts from a 3-7 HP Rock Island, Empire or
Alamo will fit. I have advertised several times for these parts in
the Want Ad section but so far have been unable to locate them.
Now, as a last resort I am requesting that some engine man out
there let me use his carb and fuel pump so that I can have parts
recast. I am willing to pay any reasonable price for this service
and hope that with your help I will be able to get this engine
Some short letters that need answers and a lot of help are
coming up:
CHARLES FOLAND, RR3, Box 22, Grant City, Missouri 64456 needs
information on a vertical Maytag like the one shown on Nov-Dec
GEM page 29. He would also appreciate diagrams.-R.
GEIKEN, 209 W. 9th Street, Hastings, Minnesota 55033 is currently
working on an old spoked-wheel Sattley. S/N on each end of the
crankshaft 10653 and would like to know what year it is.TED SHULTZ,
4125 Cleveland, Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 would like to get
information on a water hopper type Root & Vandervoort engine.
He would like any infor. including history, color, striping if any.
He owns several but knows nothing about them.ROY WHITLEY, 3312
Ellis Road, Rockford, Illinois 61103 would like to know if someone
has a red E power cultivator Model 9300 made by Pioneer Mfg. Co
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Also a red E Model 7953. Would like to know
the year made and any other data.RAY GRAGE, Route 1, Remsen, Iowa
51050 is a collector of Massey-Harris tractors. He can’t find
anyone who makes decals for them and thought someone in
GEM family might know where he could find them.
Ray would appreciate hearing from other collectors of M-H
tractors.JAMES A. HERRMAN, RR2, Box 68, Manito, Illinois 61546
wants to thank everyone who answered his letter. The response was
overwhelming and offered encouragement and help. J. ROGER KILTON,
SR., Kilton Road, West Canaan, New Hampshire 03741 wants to know if
anyone knows of a Great Western gas engine mfg. by Smith Mfg. Co.
It is a 5 HP upright. He would appreciate hearing from you.
JOHN H. BRICKER, 1354 Sollen-berger Road, Chambersburg,
Pennsylvania 17201, 717-263-5588, would like to hear from you with
some help for his tractor: ‘I have recently acquired the small
tractor in this picture. It has an air cooled Nova engine, but I do
not know what kind of tractor it is. If anyone knows what this
tractor is please call or write.’
‘I have recently found another old engine on a ranch in
South Texas, near Kerrville. Enclosed find a rough draft of the
engine. I’m hoping some GEM reader can
identify this and information will be appreciated,’ writes
RANDY MacDOWELL, 9350 Valley Bend, San Antonio, Texas 78250.
And in closing I leave you with a few ‘food for thought’
teasers A tongue three inches long can ruin a man six feet tall.
Honesty pays but it doesn’t seem to pay enough to suit some
people. (Frank H. Hub-bard). Worry is interest paid on trouble
before it is due. Manners carry the world for the moment; character
for all times. Bye, have fun at the shows, be good to each other
Love ya!