Saved from the Scrap Heap!

By Staff
Published on December 1, 1996
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1480 Clearwater Way Woodland, California 95776

I acquired this IHC Tom Thumb in 1995. It was a ‘basket
case.’ Both flywheels were broken, the crankshaft was bent, and
the cylinder was also broken.

The fellow I purchased it from said he was tired of looking at
it. He said it made him sick every time he saw it, because it had
fallen off his forklift onto a concrete floor causing all of the

With the help of Hit &. Miss, who located a set of
flywheels, and Dan Oberholtzer, who makes good quality reproduction
parts for this engine, I was able to restore it to its current

I have been restoring antique engines for the past 15 years. It
is a great hobby. By far this has been my most difficult

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