By Staff
Published on January 1, 1972
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Courtesy of Ron Magnuson, Good Hope, Illinois 61438.
Courtesy of Ron Magnuson, Good Hope, Illinois 61438.
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Courtesy of Edward Yakencheck, Box 138, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343.
Courtesy of Edward Yakencheck, Box 138, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343.
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Courtesy of Ron Magnuson, Good Hope, Illinois 61438.
Courtesy of Ron Magnuson, Good Hope, Illinois 61438.
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Courtesy of Edward Yakencheck, Box 138, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343.
Courtesy of Edward Yakencheck, Box 138, Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania 18343.
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Courtesy of John Hays, 1511 Iglehart, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104.
Courtesy of John Hays, 1511 Iglehart, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104.

204 Ball Road, Marion, New York 14505.

The weather, as usual, played a large role in this year’s
show. Rain had plagued the area for several weeks and threatened
the show’s weekend too. As it turned out, however, the only
rain occurred late Saturday when the humidity became very
uncomfortable thus relieving to some degree the heat.

Every year our show grows and this year was no exception. The
thing that surprised me was that most of the equipment seen this
year was not here last year. Where all this iron comes from amazes
me. There seems to be no limit to variety.

We had 259 running gas engines, 33 pieces of allied equipment
and 32 tractors. The models register in at 90, although, there were
more that were not registered. There were 10 antique cars and
trucks, 2 diesel engines and a hot air engine. We even had 5
steamers infiltrate our ranks this year.

Financially we are still alive and well, although, our outside
visitors on the grounds were disappointing, perhaps due to the
threat of the weather. There were other disappointments too. The
wheat was too soft and couldn’t be cut without loss so no
threshing was done this year. There was however, enough activity to
keep us busy.

Our auction on Saturday was a big success as usual. Jim Ross and
his Country All Stars played Saturday night for the square dance in
the pavilion until the wee hours. The queen, Mrs. Shearns, was
crowned on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Shearns is the mother of one of
our members, David Shearns. David had his big 30-60 Oilpull at the
show. Our queens are chosen from the women who lived through the
Golden Era of farming when thresher’s dinners were the feat of
the day and when women really needed liberation.

As you came through the main entrance, on the left was the
impressive line-up of tractors including an 8-16 Avery, a
cross-mounted Minneapolis, several Oilpulls of varying sizes.
Farm-alls, Hart-Parrs, John Deeres. A tractor that stood out was a
1928, 16-30 Eagle owned by Jack Arthur of St. Agatha, Ontario,
Canada. This tractor was in a fire and was badly burned and had to
be completely rebuilt. It’s hard to imagine the patience it
must have taken to scout two countries for parts and put it back in
working order and make it look like the original. A very impressive
piece. This tractor by the way is touring much of this section of
the United States this summer going to several shows before going
back to Milton, Ontario, Canada.

The picture is for all the fellows that helped me load the
engine in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa in September 1969 and didn’t think
it could be done. It took five months of slow work to get the
piston out. It came back to life May 28, 1970. It is an 8 hp

Picture is of my collection of spark plugs–over 200 different
plugs and over 100 different brand names.

A 1920 Fordson owned by Nelson Remel of R. D. 3, Nazareth,
Pennsylvania. (Notice rear steel wheels are covered with tractor
tires–the side walls were cut away.) This snap taken at one of our
local farmers’ fairs at Plainfield Township.

Snapshot taken at one of our local farmers’ fairs at
Plainfield Township is of a 3 HP. Olds engine owned by Paul Brodt o
ft. D. 3, Bangor, Pennsylvania.

Continuing down the road, lines of engines spread out on all
sides. Matt Engles from East Palmyra, New York had his display of
Apple Peelers and Cherry Fitters together with a drag saw.

Parked also in this area, was one of the first Minneapolis
Molines ever built, owned by Charles Coryn. This tractor has a
front wheel drive. A 1919 Hvid diesel thermoil engine was here. The
entire unit was mounted on a set up of trucks with a buzz saw. This
engine was owned by John Corso of Ontario, New York. He said the
outfit was bought by the original owner in 1916 for $198.00 from
the Sears & Roebuck store.

Another unusual engine set up was a 2 HP upright Fairbanks-Morse
owned by Kenneth Swartz of Appleton, New York used for pumping
water to a cistern in a top floor of a house. The gas tank was
designed to hold just enough gas to fill the cistern then it would

Near here, was a display by Albert Heald of Sodus, New York
which included in his display a 1? HP Cushman. Albert displayed a
full glass of water on top of the block of his engine demonstrating
the smoothness and quietness of this engine.

Bob Clise from Geneva, New York has a 5 HP Olin engine which he
had nicely displayed. George Pettys also from Geneva, New York had
a very large flea market this year with everything imaginable for
sale. A 1915, 6 HP livid of Joe Meelos and a 1916, 7 HP Lister
owned by Clarence Gage sat near here.

The Rolfe boys of the Hudson-Mohawk Chapter of the Pioneer Gas
Engine Association must have a factory connection for some of their
engines. Todd Rolfe had a 1915 2 HP Bear Cub. Ron Rolfe had a 1912,
? ton Case truck and a 1894, 8 HP Otto engine. Nice going Fellows,
let us in on your secret locations.

Don Luteyn and son, Don, had a 10 HP International engine
running among other small engines. Charley Coryn had a 1909, 11 HP
Foos and a 1920, 6 HP International Harvester horizontal engine
owned by his son, George Coryn, alongside.

Richard Smullen had a Sullivan air compressor run by a Buda
engine mounted on a truck chassis that ran very well. Stanley
Rurnsey of Ithaca, New York and get this, had a 1905, 2 HP

The Fry boys of Sodus, New York have quite a collection of
engines and this year they had a model ‘T’ Ford that was
converted by kits sold in their time, 1933, to a tractor. A friend
of mine said he remembers the tractor being used on the muck. Larry
Frey also had a 1917 Fuller & Johnson and an 8 HP Associated on
a burr mill that they used to grind corn.

Herman Pieper stands by side of his Allis-Chalmers tractor built
in 1927. It is a 20-35 HP Model E. David Pieper, his grand nephew,
and the operator, is in the driver’s seat at the Scott-Carver
Show 1971.

On the grounds also were many campers, flea markets and numerous
exhibits. Our model tent was filled with several unusual displays.
We also had steam engines around the pond and a large Frick
traction steam engine made a few tours.

The kids had fun riding our wagon and some of the old trucks.
The women were busy on the gate and in the Headquarters tent. We
are very fortunate in having women who will pitch in so

The Ladies Auxiliary held a smorgasbord meal on Saturday and
Sunday noon. This was served in the Firemen’s new pavilion.
None lacked for food or variety. The grounds are vastly improved
over last year and will probably be improved for future reunions.
We have a close relationship with the firemen of Fairville and a
good job done as far as the grounds and all the work they did in
getting ready for our reunion.

That’s about it as far as my memory serves me. A lot of work
went into the making of the grounds and the show and those that
helped deserve the very best.

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