4353 75th St. N.W. Oronoco, Minnesota 55960
Restoring the Ferguson 20 or 30 is not too hard, many parts
being interchangeable with the 8N and 9N Fords.
Tools: Not much needed. An impact, 11/16
and 11/16 socket, and some hand tools and two
floor jacks.
Pop off the hood and fenders. Easy. Remove battery and gas tank.
Place the floor jack under transmission and then remove the front
axle assembly and then the engine. Elapsed time: one hour.
Engine overhaul is straightforward, by the book. All parts are
available from suppliers except the block and head. (Good luck!)
Prices are competitive. This engine is very similar to the VAC
Now block up the rearend and remove the transmission. Replace
bearings and reassemble by the book. This is a precision
Slide out rear axles and dismantle as required. Reassemble by
the book. This is also a precise job. Brakes can be bought or
You will see that the hydraulic pump is at the bottom of the
case with no filters at all. How did it survive 40 years?
Completely dismantle the pump. New parts are available, many the
same as Ford. You may have to grind the valve seats. Damage, if
any, will have been due to water or filth in the oil. The scotch
yoke piston design of this pump makes it very durable. Blown up
pumps are caused by water or ice. Go right by the service manual
for reassembly. The draft control levers and gizmos are very
simple, but may be bent or rusted. In reassembly of this precision
tractor, pay close mind to tolerances down to .0001′. And pay
close attention to gaskets and seals. The hydraulic pressure is
1200 to 2000 lb. per square inch.
Three pt. parts are often worn out. New ones are readily
available, but are not exact look alikes. Mint used parts are hard
to find. NOS? Get real.
You can buy or copy the wiring. See your MF or Ford dealer. In
the engine, pay close attention to the oil pump and the valve
springs. These things may be really tired. Oversize pistons are
fine, but high compression may make it hard to start on 6
At this time you may consider an overdrive or over-under. The
old Sherman step up won’t fit. Most others will.
Some nice gauges are available. Shop around. Wheels and tires
can be purchased locally anywhere. All seals and bearings should be
easy to find or order. All nuts and bolts are hardened and
Some glitches: Cracked heads can be fixed. Pay close mind to the
governor assembly and to the distributor drive, or you may be
sorry. Loose steering parts can be replaced or in some cases
shimmed. The manifold is likely warped and can be resurfaced. The
muffler connection can be refaced with a cup grinder. NEVER use
borderline parts.
If you are careful, this tractor will serve your grandchildren
as well as it did your grandfather!