1215 Jays Drive, N.E. Salem, Oregon, Q7303
We at the National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association
are continually monitoring the liability insurance problem. We have
been informed that insurance will probably be tough to get in some
areas with not much relief in sight. The insurance companies also
are possibly going to raise the premiums by about 8% to 10%.
Safety should be of primary concern at all shows and events. We
don’t want anyone getting hurt or injured. All facilities
should adopt a set of safety rules and abide by them. In doing so,
the intent of having good safety is shown and it also makes for a
better organizational show. We are well aware that there are those
that will say that more rules are not needed. ‘We’re
getting along just fine, so why change’. Be ever mindful that
if an accident happens and a lawsuit follows, the event leaders,
members and exhibitors might have to defend themselves. Think about
it. We at the National offer the following safety rules as
guidelines. They have been gleaned from several organizations. We
have not adopted these as gospel but feel that they are very good.
Not all organizations are the same, so some groups might want to
add to or take away what is not appropriate. Good luck.
Displaying Stationary Gas And Oil Engines
1. All stationary engines will be fenced with 2 ropes, one 18
inches above ground and second rope 36 inches above ground. Rope
and posts to be furnished by displayer.
2. All engines and equipment operated with engine shall be at
least 3 feet inside of fence.
3. All display areas should be kept clean and neat, tools and
gas cans out of camera view.
4. Each display area should have a fire extinguisher, provided
by displayer.
5. Do not leave engines running unattended.
6. All engines to be shut off at 8:00 P.M.
7. All stationary engines to shut off during parade.
8. Parking for exhibitors vehicles will be provided outside of
display area.
9. Do not start engines until church services are over on
Operation Of Gas, Oil And Steam Tractors
1. Speeding Will Not Be Allowed. Tractors shall be operated in a
slow safe manner.
2. Due to insurance restrictions, No one under 14 shall operate
a tractor without an adult on the tractor. No one shall operate a
tractor until they are checked out to be a qualified person.
3. No more than 2 people on gas tractors. No more than 3 people
on steam tractors.
4. All tractors to be operated in such manner as to not tear up
the grounds. Do not make a lot of dust. Do not leave tractor
running unattended.
5. All tractors to be shut off at 8:00 P.M.
6. Do not drive tractors through the engine display area.
7. Tractors on the belt will have operator on tractor at all
times. On steam engines, engineer will watch belt.
8. All steam boilers will have a good screen on the smoke stack
at all times.
9. Do not start tractors until church services are over on