RFD 1 Box 651, Bagley Hill Road Madison, Maine 04950
The year and make of the barrow is unknown to me. At the time I
found the machine, I was buying scrap metal for a horseless
carriage project I was working on. I spotted this rusty mass of
iron upside down in the weeds and went for further investigation.
At a closer look, I discovered it had a forward-reverse
transmission all in one unit that I might be able to use in my
horseless carriage project. I had to convince the guy to sell it to
me. With a little work, some new tires, paint and a model K 1930
(?) Briggs engine, it’s a useful machine I can use around the
yard. It’ll carry anything from dirt to car engines, or just a
load of rocks, or some firewood and it dumps just like a dump truck
would. So, if anyone out there can tell me what this machine may be
and its possible year, please contact Alvyn Webb, at 207-474-8140
in Madison, Maine or mail me at the above address, or you can
e-mail me at spider@skowacc.com.
I also rebuild model T’s and Model A Fords as well as
antique engines