By Staff
Published on September 1, 1986
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Leon Forrester and team hooked to the saw rig.
Leon Forrester and team hooked to the saw rig.
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Views of a 1938 Case RI owned and restored by Richard D. Curtis of RR6, Box 35, Galesburg, IL 61401.
Views of a 1938 Case RI owned and restored by Richard D. Curtis of RR6, Box 35, Galesburg, IL 61401.
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Let is rain, let it pour that could not stop the good times that
were had at the UAW Second Annual Antique Gas Engine and Tractor
Jubilee. Collector enthusiasts brought their restored equipment
from as far away as Oakley, Michigan and Urbana, Ohio. What fun it
was to meet brothers and sisters from so many other locals who also
restore these old relics.

The Bluegrass Mini Festival was not to be stopped by a little
rain. They just moved inside. The Anderson History Museum showed us
how Anderson has been on the move. Boy, have cars changed since the
1908 Anderson Car! Quilters quilted, craftsmen sold their wares,
engines putted, tractors were driven, yummy barbeque chicken was
eaten and people from Canada to Florida, Massachusetts to Iowa just
plain had a good ole time in Anderson, Indiana.

Hope to see all and more of you next June 6 & 7, 1987.

Submitted by Morris Titus, 2025 Hillcrest Dr., Anderson, Indiana


This 6 HP Economy saw rig pictured on the left belongs to Johnny
Board of Obion, Tennessee. It was restored by Tim Fox and Jesse

These photos were taken at the 2nd ‘Old Timers Day’ held
at the Obion County Fairgrounds in Union City, Tennessee in May
1984. The saw rig had lain in a fence row approximately the last 40
years at the Johnny Board Farms in Obion. Surprisingly, the engine
was not too tightly stuck and only the Wico mag was beyond repair.
The right wheel on the front of the wagon had been run over with a
bulldozer or something and was completely destroyed. With the aid
of a metal detector, all of the hub pieces were found and the whole
thing was put back n one piece. Placing the rim back round was a
tough job; but using a sledge hammer and welding torch, it was
fixed! The engine was fired up at the show and sawed firewood like
in the old days. Photos sent to us by Jesse Livingston, Route 2,
Box 118, Troy, Tennessee 38260.


The 12 HP Bull Dog manufactured by the Bates and Edmonds Motor
Co. shown on the right is owned and restored by Ray Enser, 5780
Brown Hill Road, Springville, New York 14141.


The engine of a 10 HP IHC Famous made in 1910. It is owned by
Willard Wilks, Route 2, Box 221, Brinkley, Arkansas 72021. On the
front of the trailer is mounted a Model LUC John Deere power unit.
The John Deere is used for easier starting of the International.
Once started, the belt is thrown connecting them.

One CASE Collection

View was taken in August of 1983. By Christmas of the same year,
restoration was complete and the after shot was taken.

Rest of the fleet’ of Curtis’ collection: 1936 RC with
custom wide front, 1936 RC, 1936 CC, 1937 C and 1937 L.

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