404 27th St. N.W., Great Falls, Montana 59404.
I started building these scale models in 1983. Picture number
one is a ‘Lil Brother,’ castings are from Paul Breisch. The
flywheels are 4′ and it has ?’ bore. The pump is made of
brass and the water tank is redwood.
Picture number two is the Associated Hired Man with Paul Breisch
castings. It’s 1/3 scale, has 6′
flywheels and 1? bore. This engine was air cooled. It ran hot so I
cut the fins off and made a water hopper. The buzz saw is made of
brass with steel blade.
Picture number three is a scale model of the Fairbanks, Type N,
12 HP. Flywheels are 95/8‘, and it has
1?’ bore. The water pump on picture number four is my own
design and it does work.