7197 Mississippi St., Merrillville, Indiana 46410.
This show opened with a pledge of allegiance to our flag as it
was being raised.
Although we sometimes attend several shows in a season this was
the first time we arrived on ‘set up day’ and we found this
day to be almost as interesting as the other days of this show near
Springfield, Missouri.
Much effort goes into administering a successful reunion. The
president, Mr. Charley Stark and all others were busy assisting new
arrivals get situated and unloaded. Charley, I’m sure was tired
physically and mentally when night came; but he always made the
final rounds to see that all was well with everyone.
In our case, my wife, Wanda, had driven our camper almost 700
miles which attests to the fact that she also expected a good time
and was not disappointed.
Wanda and I were busy showing our own model ‘hit and
miss’ gas engines and taking the pictures which are included as
part of this article.
This WK-40 at the 1974 Ozark Reunion was restored and is owned
by Wayne Elmore. Wayne is specializing in the International
Courtesy B.A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrillville, Indiana
Shown above is engine #4 one of 6 Plunket Jr. engines now known
to be in existence. I feel certain this was the ‘engine of the
show’ if I were to be giving prizes. It is owned by congenial
and knowledgeable Dave Letsch of Nixa, Mo.
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrillville, Indiana
This show is rich in steam traction equipment, steam engine
models, vintage tractors and over 130 gas engines. This gas engine
line-up consisted of many finely restored, operating engines with
few duplications.
John Bary, President of Branch #16 of the E.D.G.E. &. A.T.
Association suffered a heart attack, so on the 1st 3 days of the
show, Rick Phillips was busy as a long tailed cat in a room full of
rocking chairs, doing John’s job assisting his engine buddies
in any way he could.
The outstanding attraction in this engine department (to me) was
a Plunket Junior pictured with this article. Francis and Ronnie
Sevart made many people very envious of their real fine
Fairbanks-Morse Upright gas engine. The Sevarts work at these
shows, sawing wood with their Witte drag-saw and keeping their
engines in constant operation.
It was pleasant to talk with Frank Stark who owns several pieces
of equipment at this show.
In the ‘Steam Traction’ department it would be
impossible to pick a ‘best’ engine. We were pleased with
them all.
In the tractor group, Jim McCau-ley had a family of John Deeres
and Wayne Elmore had his Internationals. Many other old tractors
were in action also.
As usual Myrl Hix showed a superbly restored model. This time it
was a Stillman-Allen mill steam engine, belt-driving a dynamo and
lighting several lights from the dynamo. Myrl has an extensive
steam model collection at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bowen of Meriden, Kans., ground whole wheat
flour on a mill of his own design, one which really intrigued me.
They even included a small air compressor for clean up of
Harold Blackburn is, and should be, proud of this 2 HP Rock
Island. Harold is from Springfield, Mo. and has an understanding
helper [his former wife Zelta] whose motto,. she said, was ‘If
you can’t beat them, join them’. This ‘join’ she
does as she can crank and operate an engine like a veteran at the
1974 Ozark Reunion.
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrillville, Indiana
The threshing, baling, Baker fan, lumber sawing and shingle
making, all kept a good crowd of spectators. Something was in
motion every minute it seemed.
I had intended to have George Sharp, the sawyer on the lumber
sawmill show me how to turn a roll of belt wrong or right side out
without unrolling it, but I became too engrossed elsewhere.
Mr. James Haynie, of Ash Grove, Mo. brought this Edison Cylinder
Phonograph. Like all of us, I suppose, we had heard several Edison
Cylinder Phonographs playing; but never has a group been treated to
music so well reproduced as so well chosen to include the old
standards of that day, such as ‘The Baggage Coach Ahead, Uncle
Josh’ and many others quite well known to most of us. His music
was played over the P.A. system and was ‘mighty purty’.
Gary Bowen of Meriden Kansas operated this flour mill at the
1974 Ozark Runion. This mill is his design and his own craft work
of construction. It is complete right down to an air compressor for
‘end of the day’ cleanup, Truly a masterpiece.
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrilluille, Indiana
Above is James Haynie of Ash Grove, Mo. I’ve seen and heard
many Edison Phonographs of this general cylinder type but never one
with this high gaulity of music reproduction. His choice of songs
was excellent for the 1974 Ozark Reunion. [Besides, he let us tape
the music as long as we wanted him to keep the machine
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrillville, Indiana
The tractor pull drew a huge crowd and when it was all over the
Keck-Gonnerman 19 H.P. Steamer, owned by Wayne Elmore hooked on and
moved the load some more. This was talked about quite some time the
next day.
Having attended two previous Ozark reunions 1971, 1972, then
finally 1974, we can say the people didn’t change any; they are
the friendliest, most accommodating you will ever meet. There were
just more of them this year. This show is growing each year and the
reasons are not secret to those who at tend. Be one of those
spectators or exhibitors next year and you will soon see why it is
growing so rapidly.
Included in the inducements for your attendance are the
following. Ample parking, camping area, new bleachers, toilet
facilities and just wonderful grounds.
There were more than 130 gasoline engines, by actual count made
by Mike McMichael of Marionville, Mo. at the 1974 Ozark Reunion.
Shown above are Ronald [left] and Francis Sevart [right] beside the
well restored Fairbanks Morse 4 HP Vertical Water cooled engine.
Francis complimented the writer on being the first photographer to
get a picture of him that was not a posterior view.
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrillville, Indiana
This excellent 20-40 Rumely Oil Pull at the 1974 Ozark Reunion
is the proud possession of Frank Stark of Billings, Mo. In left of
picture you can see the communications crows nest so important at
this show. It was designed and built by Earl Smith.
Courtesy of B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrilluille, Ind.
For ‘after show hours’ there is ‘Battlefield
Mall’ a short distance from the grounds to tempt the ladies,
just as my wife was tempted.
Ice, groceries, and all other necessities are only a short jaunt
Motels nearby offer reasonable rates for nice facilities. Good
dinner restaurants abound nearby.
There is no excuse not to find the grounds. The show area is
right on U.S. Highway 60 between Spring field Mo. and Republic
You can buy all sorts of items at this show. For example there
are primer cocks, steam valves, lubricators, whistles, engine parts
etc. There is usually a place set up selling something of interest
to most everyone.
The Kneppers from Belleville, Illinois are there selling
subscriptions to the magazines which go with interests of those who
attend these shows. They also have re prints of instruction
booklets, advertising literature and many books dealing with the
lore and love of all types of farm equipment of the past including
steam and gas equipment, threshers and automobiles.
If you are not sure where this show is after you see their ad in
the magazines you can just follow the Kneppers or us next year. WE
Above is the John Deere family of tractors owned by Jim McCauley
of Nixa Mo.
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St. Merrillville, Indiana
Left to right identification: 1920 Waterloo Boy, 1931 Wide Tread
GP, 1927 Model D, 1928 Standard GP.
The writer, Bernard A. Hines displayed [6] ‘hit and
miss’ gas engines at the 1974 Ozark Reunion. One of the engines
is belted to the pump jack. These are part of a collection of 18
gasoline models he owns. The spectator on right side of picture is
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrillville, Indiana
Myrl Hix of ‘Hix Models’ Pittsburg, Kansas stands behind
his finely restored model
Courtesy B. A. Hines, 7197 Miss. St., Merrillville, Indiana
Stillman-Allen mill engine at the 1974 Ozark Reunion. Myrl has
many expertly restored and maintained steamer models on display at
his homeshop.
Col. N.D. Stuckey oiling up the 1919 Aultman Taylor 30-60 before
the parade at Portland, Indiana – August 1974.
Courtesy of Col. N.D. Stuckey 4777 Valley, Dayton, Ohio