Pictured is a 3 to 1 scale model drag saw completed this past
winter by Claude B. (‘Bert’) Anderson of 11148 La Casa
Ave., Yuba City, California 95991. It was first run at the Branch
#13 gas-up at the Grass Valley, CA fairgrounds last spring.
The model is patterned after Bert’s 4 HP Ottawa (in
background). It is a hit and miss, make and break. The clutch works
the same as the full-sized model, and the blade is toothed and
filed the same. The only manufactured parts are the piston (from an
Echo weed eater) and a rough casting for the flywheel. It has a
1′ bore and 1 5/8′ stroke.
Among Bert’s other engines is a 5 HP Ottawa and a two-cycle
Ward drag saw, restored and running. He also collects old brass
things ‘that did something’, and his den walls are covered
with old torches, drip oilers, miners’ lamps, etc.