One of A Kind

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1976
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Gordon Stroven
A Christensen engine manufactured by the Christensen Engineering Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Type FF, 6 HP, speed 350, 6' bore 9' stroke, 38' flywheels, 3' face, water hopper 24' deep, a side shaft engine.

14038 68th Avenue, Coopersville, Michigan 49404

After reading our January-February issue of the G.E.M. I thought
of something that might be of real interest to our engine fans. I
counted at least six engines of people who think that their engine
is one of its kind. Let’s see if they are one of its kind. I
would be willing to handle it for you.

A Christensen engine manufactured by the
Christensen Engineering Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Type FF, 6
HP, speed 350, 6′ bore 9′ stroke, 38′ flywheels, 3′
face, water hopper 24′ deep, a side shaft engine.

I will start it out with this picture of a 6 H.P. Christensen
side-shaft engine. I think it is one of a kind until proven
different. All interesting engine fans send me two good clear black
& white pictures from the working side of their engine.

I need their measurement R.P. M., H.P., ser. no., stroke and
diameter of piston, diameter of flywheels or any other way to
identify their engine. I’ll send one of these pictures in for
the magazine each month and keep one for my record for further

In about six months I’ll compile all engines in G.E.M. and
then we will get a feedback from our engine specialist of who has
one like it. In the future we will have a list of engines of one of
its kind. Something to be proud of.

I would like to name and address and measurements on the back of
each picture.

Any improvements to my method of handling this, I’ll

I think this is a wonderfully put together magazine and I think
this would be an additional feature. The heading could be ONE OF A

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