New Way Goes and Goes Right Again

By Staff
Published on October 1, 1995
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Peter Bellinger, 26 Adelaide Street, Westbury, Tasmania, Australia 7303 is pleased to report that this 'New Way Goes and Goes Right, Again.' See his story inside this issue.
Peter Bellinger, 26 Adelaide Street, Westbury, Tasmania, Australia 7303 is pleased to report that this 'New Way Goes and Goes Right, Again.' See his story inside this issue.
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Photo 10
Photo 10
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Photo 11
Photo 11
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Photo 12
Photo 12
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Photo 1: My engine as found.
Photo 1: My engine as found.
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Fig. 9 Goes AND Goes Right
Fig. 9 Goes AND Goes Right
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Photo 3
Photo 3
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Photo 2: Museum engine.
Photo 2: Museum engine.
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Photo 4
Photo 4
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Photo 5
Photo 5
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Photo 7
Photo 7
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Photo 6
Photo 6
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Photo 8
Photo 8

26 Adelaide Street, Westbury, Tasmania, Australia 7303

This story really started back in 1987 when a bloke told me he
had some engines he wanted to sell. A time was arranged for me to
have a look at them. I was expecting to see the usual M Type
International, and sure enough there were a couple of them, and a 4
HP Cooper Type W which is actually your Stover, but the one that
interested me the most was a New Way (photo 1).

So I purchased the Cooper and the New Way. The Cooper was in
good order, although I had to disassemble the crank and flywheel to
get it out the shed door. The chap had started to restore the
engine and found he had this problem.

The New Way was not so good. It had a lot of parts missing, and
once I got it home I looked it up in the Gasoline Engines Since
1887, but this model was not there. So it was back to issues of
GEM. But my issues only go back as far as 1988 and I came up with
no further information.

As I was not in a hurry to restore the engine I thought I would
just wait and see what popped up in the magazines I receive. I
didn’t have to wait long because on the October 1988 issue of
The Stationary Engine Magazine appeared a New Way model CH 5

I noticed a couple of things that were a little different, but
it was basically the same as mine. I noticed my part number started
with ‘CH’ so I assumed this was the model and not a part
number code. Unfortunately the photo was from the wrong side and
didn’t show the carburetor etc., which is what I was missing,
along with the magneto. To make matters worse, there was no address
of the owner to get another photo. Again I came to a dead end.

In the meantime, I had been gathering up carbs that I thought I
could use, as I didn’t think I would ever find an original. One
day I was looking at the magneto mounting bracket and thought it
looked the same size as a Bosch used on some of the International M
Types. So I tried it, and sure enough, the bolt holes matched
perfectly, along with the shaft height and rotation. The only thing
I needed now was a second one. Luck was on my side. While at an
auction one day I noticed a magneto in a box of rabbit tray and it
was just the one I wanted. There was also a four gallon drum of old
paint and I got the lot for $2.00! The magneto was in very bad
condition as a bit of aluminum had corroded away and I had to weld
it back on. The bearings were rusted, the condenser needed
replacing, and the coil had to be rewound. I was able to rewind the
coil myself, and in all it still made a good buy.

I remagnetized the mag on the magnetizer I built using the
diagrams in GEM some time back. Mind you, the cost you estimated
hardly covered the copper wire, but I would not be without it

My big breakthrough came with the August ’91 issue of GEM,
when Hal Opdyke visited R.E. Olds Museum in Lansing, Michigan, and
sent some photos into GEM. In one of the photos was a New Way,
although it was labeled a Novo. One thing I noticed was missing was
the nameplate on the top of the engine cowling (Photo 2). The most
important thing now was to get an address where I might be able to
get some photos of the carb. So I sent a letter to Hal to see if he
would get me some photos of the carb and whether it had any
maker’s name on it. He said he couldn’t find any name, so I
assumed that it was their own make. However, the biggest surprise
was how close the carb was to one I had here, which was a Carter
(Photos 3 & 4) off an old Chevy. It even had the brass fuel
bowl like the one in the photo (Photo 4). There were a few things a
bit different on the engine compared to mine. For one, the fuel
tank was mounted on the other side (Photos 5 & 6). At first I
thought someone had theirs the wrong way around, but after
examining the photos and the bucket they must have made left-hand
and right-hand fuel tank brackets. The other thing was the
crankcase breather was in a different place than mine (Photos 7
& 8). In a later issue of GEM, Gordon Peters of Aurora,
Nebraska, was seeking information on a New Way CH in the
Reflections column, so I wrote to him. His crankcase breather was
in the same place as the one at the museum, but he did give me the
name of another chap who helped him with his engine. So I wrote to
Charles Wat’ ters, Burlington, Washington, and told him of my
troubles, but he hadn’t seen a New Way with a breather part No.
798 mounted in the same place as mine (Photo 7). He did send me a
photocopy of the instruction manual, and this showed yet a
different version of a crankcase breather. This got me to thinking,
why all the changes in design of the breather? The only reason I
could think of was the crankcase was blowing out oil and the carb
was breathing it back in, causing the engine to smoke a little.
When you look at the one in the photocopy in the instruction manual
(Photo 9), it now has a larger box type arrangement with a series
of baffles.

Then we come to my engine with the breather fit down on the gear
case cover opposite the mag drive (Photo 7). At first I thought if
they had a problem with the engine breathing oil why mount it lower
where the oil is? But I suppose it now had a much bigger lift, plus
my breather was fitted with a one way valve which causes a
crankcase vacuum that would improve lubrication and reduce oil
leaks at bearings etc. The other reason I thought why they may have
fitted it here was to improve lubrication in the gear case itself,
because it may have caused a bit of an air pocket because it has a
very deep and narrow opening.

At this stage I thought I had enough info to get started, so the
first thing was to upsize the engine using oil pressure since there
was no head to remove to knock the piston out. Having only one
handhold cover to gain access to the big end bearing bolt, it has a
hinge arrangement on the other side of the bearing cap. The engine
had rusted in such a position that you couldn’t gain access to
the bolt, so the only thing I could do was unbolt the cylinder and
push it off the crankcase. I had to make a new bottom half of the
cowling, as the old one had rusted away where it was sitting on the
ground. The screen on the back side had to be renewed also. I
noticed in the instruction manual they had a wire screen, but mine
has a sheet metal one (Photo 10) with a series of holes in it.
Making this screen proved to be a bit of a problem, as the heat and
a bit of pressure from drilling all the holes stretched the metal,
and when finished it looked like something you would find in the
kitchen for straining veggies etc. So I started again, this time
drilling each row of holes from opposite sides. I also had to make
an impulse coupling for the mag. One wasn’t listed in the CH
manual but one was on a CHA sales brochure (Photo 13), and there
appeared to be one in the photo Hal sent me. I copied one off a
Regal marine engine we have here which uses the same type Bosch
mag. The job is always much easier when you have one to copy.

I now had to make an inlet manifold to replace the one that was
broken when the limb of a tree fell on it. That’s how the carb
was lost. I used a couple of pipe elbows that did the job quite
well (Photo 11). I also had to make a sub base although they were
listed as an extra in the CHA sales brochure which might explain
why my engine was mounted on a slab of wood. I had to weld a couple
of bits back on the fuel tank bracket and make a new tank using
Hal’s sketches and dimensions. A double compartment one was
shown in the CH instruction manual for petrol-kero, while only a
single one for the CHA (Photo 13).

It was now time to paint all parts. Blue was the only color I
could find on the engine, but I did decide to paint the cylinder
silver, like the earlier models, as it is a bit more heat resistant
and I thought it would look better. With all of the engine
assembled, it was time for that first start, and I didn’t think
it was going to live up to their advertising slogan: ‘Goes and
goes right.’ I could be like everyone else and say it went
first-up, but that would be lying because there wasn’t a bang
or a pop to be found!

I had to go looking and tracked the problem down to no spark.
What had happened was when I cleaned the points while repairing the
mag I hadn’t noticed I had gone through the platinum face. So,
I had to sweat back on some more which fixed the problem. It just
goes to show you can get caught sometimes.

It was now time to try again. This time we were up and running
but far too rich. I had to make a smaller jet for the carb, as I
didn’t have an adjustable one like was on the original carb,
plus the spring I used in the governor was too strong, and it was
running too fast.

I ran the engine for a few hours and left it to try it again the
next day. Well, we had no compression. It was all going out the
inlet valve. At first I thought I must have blown the gasket on the
valve cage, but the valve itself had warped. I didn’t think it
was much use regrinding it again because I had to face a fair bit
off to get rid of the rust pits before, and it was coming to a thin
edge best to get another! But it was not that easy to get one with
a 2 diameter head, so I had to make one, which is often the best
anyhow because you can make your stem oversize if need be.

With the engine completed and running it was time to find
something for it to drive to make use of that beautifully designed
clutch pulley. I hooked up the grain grinder which I bought at a
clearing sale (Photo 12). It was missing the grinding plates and
the end bearing, etc. I made the missing parts to my own design,
because at that time I hadn’t seen another. Plus I didn’t
know what make it was, although I thought it may have been American
built because of the size of the threads on the ‘ bolts, which
were 13 T.P.I. USS, whereas BSW (British Standard Whitworth) has 12
T.P.I. At the time of writing this story, I noticed another one at
a sale and it had Duplex No. 11 Mill, Cliff & Bunting Makers,
Australia, on it, so I am not so sure now. I mounted the two units
on a woolen trolley using some small wheels to keep the unit as low
as possible so people could see what was in the hopper from behind
the safety fence. I now needed a piece of belting eight feet long.
I managed to pick up a piece nine feet long at an auction. You
can’t get much closer than that.

I was hoping to have it finished for a rally back in March of
’93, but it wasn’t to be. I then planned to have it ready
for our local rally in April, but I had other engines to get ready.
I finally got it finished in March of 1994, ready for the local
rally again in April but it rained a bit and I decided not to go.
It is yet to be rallied, which really puts them to the final test
because if engines decide not to go, that’s the place they do

But at least I know it goes, although you have to prime it with
a bit of fuel through the plug hole sometimes.

I would like to thank Hal Opdyke, Gordon Peters and Charles
Watters for their assistance and time to reply to my letters and
the photos and information they sent me. Hopefully, through reading
this article they can see their time wasn’t wasted. Thanks once
again, fell as, and thanks to GEM for providing the means for one
to get in touch with these gentlemen.




Roller Bearings Timken Adjustable. Heavy Duty; Rugged;
Dependable. Easy to Operate; Easy to Service. Mechanically Balanced
on Throws of Crank. Governor Fly Ball Type; Close Speed Regulation.
High Tension Rotary Magneto; Impulse Coupling.

This Model of ‘New-Way’ Engine has been built
continuously for sixteen years. Its accumulating successes prove
the soundness of its design and construction. . . . . .

‘New-Way’ Engines are power units, flexible, dependable,
light in weight and compact. They are especially designed for the
heavy duty operation of portable, semi-portable, traction and
stationary machinery. For quick, easy mounting on the driven
machine the Model CHA can be furnished either with or without
sub-base and with extended crank-shaft or with plain pulley or
‘New-Way’ Friction Clutch pulley. Clutches may be equipped
with sprockets for chain drives.

The world’s foremost engineers concede Aviation Engineering
to be the last word in mechanics. It is significant that air craft
engines are nearly 100% Air-Cooled. A Lieut. Commander of the U. S.
N. sums up the reasons why as follows: ‘The Air-Cooled engine
power plant is generally superior as regards weight per horsepower,
dependability, durability, cost and ease of maintenance.’


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