17 Mill Avenue, Broadway, Wores, England WR127DB
I am an engine collector in Broadway, Worstershire, England. I
have a small collection compared with some collectors. I have only
about 27 engines at this time.
I have a few engines made in the USA. They are a 2? HP and 3 HP
Alamo of about 1917, also an early United open crank with low
tension ignition of 2? HP. One of my best-loved engines is a 4 HP
International Famous with hit and miss governing. It is about 1905.
Other engines in my collection are a 1909 vertical Victoria 3 HP
made by the Bristol Wagon and Carriage Company of Bristol, England;
a Warwick Eagle of 2?/3 HP made in Warwick, England in 1912/15. It
is a hopper cooled open crank engine with a large Hill H.T.
magneto. The enclosed picture is the Warwick Eagle driving a 1923
Bamford corn mill and your worthy scribe standing by. To go on with
my engines, my latest find is a Campbell engine of Halifose,
England. It is a blow lamp start open crank single flywheel engine
of 1? HP and is a very heavy engine, about 17ewt. This one still
has to be restored. Other engines are a 2? HP open crank H.T.
hopper cooled Ruston & Hornsby; a 3? HP open crank Bamford; a
large 8 HP two cycle Petter tank cooled; a 1?/2? HP Bental of 1914
open crank; also a 1? HP Melco with buzz coil ignition. Another
small engine is a ? HP open crank gas engine made by the British
Engineering and Electrical Company of Lee Staffs in 1909/13. This
engine should run on the old coal gas but has been converted to run
on propane gas. I think all that is left to say is good collecting
to all you collectors over in the USA from a collector here in