I really enjoy reading your Modeler’s Corner, the only trouble
is you don’t have enough entries, so I figured I would try and help
you out.
I am an 83-year-old retired farmer who loves shop work, but
money was always tight so I couldn’t buy new tools. I have a 1941
South Bend lathe with 9-inch swing and 3-foot bend, and a small
table top jet mill. I have no schooling on lathe and mill work, so
the little I know I learned by reading, and trial and error.
My engines all run and we show them at power shows. In the past
we went to about six shows a year, but last year, due to age and
health reasons, we only went to three shows.
Contact Mel Hofer at: 312 E. 3rd St., Freeman, SD 57029;
(605) 925-4732.