62 Possum Drive, New Fairfield, CT 06812
My hobby is woodworking. I make jointed wooden dolls and fine
furniture out of native and rare wood. My background is as
machinist, mechanical engineer and plant manager of metalworking
plants around the United States.
I never dreamed I’d ever have an interest in Hit and Miss
engines until my friend Dick got the bug and started buying basket
cases and laboriously scraping, sanding and painting and restoring
these old engines to beautiful working machines.
Dick and I attended several old engine shows, and I mentioned
one day that, in the late thirties, I had been a junior tool
designer for the William Galloway Company, Waterloo, Iowa,
manufacturers of the Galloway-Davis engine.
I purchased an old Galloway engine pamphlet, and thought it
would be a challenge to make engine models out of wood with all
movable parts. The model pictured has springs, nuts, and threaded
bolts and even the cotter keys made of wood.
So now I’m a Hit and Miss addict and, although my collection
looks like the real thing-they miss the beautiful sounds of the
bang and huff and puff of the old Hit and Miss.