• Joe Tochtrop: 2028 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94118;
(415) 346-6038
• Bob Shores: 108 Carmelina, Ruskin, FL 33570; (813) 6458322;
www.bobshores.com (bar stock gas engine plans and coil book)
• Jerry Webster: 3980 Becket Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906;
(719)579-6407; www.jerry-howell.com
• Catfish Hollow Toys: P.O. Box 82, Ernest, PA 15739; (724)
349-0470; steamnut@ptd.net; www.catfish-hollow.com (gas and steam
engine kits)
• C.B. Shrock: 9750 S.W. Melnore, Portland, OR 97225; (503)
292-8916; cliff@purveor.com; www.purveyor.com (ready to run gas
engines and kits)
• Wayne Grenning: 3678 N. Ridge Road, Lockport, NY 14094;