1904 S. Link Springfield, Missouri 65804
Its the only color engine that L will burn ‘Surple
Fuel’. (Surple Fuel is a mixture of hedge balls, gum balls and
a secret ingredient). It has a four barrel carburetor and a fan
type supercharger
‘Double flywheels are used to contain the extra power
generated by Surple Fuel. The EPA ordered a percolator type
catalytic converter be used on exhaust to hold down excess
‘The tachometer red lines at 5000 rpm. The flowers in the
water hopper (courtesy of local cemetery) are watered continuously
by a sprinkler.
‘There are no visible battery connections or wires to
igniter and it even has a self-commencer!!’
These are the words of James Haynie, Ash Grove, Missouri,
describing his 1917-1920 Faultless Wi HP gas engine, which will be
one of the better running engines in the S.W. Missouri Show.
James is the only charter member of S.W. Missouri Branch 16 of
EDGE&TA who has been a continuous member. He has been very
helpful to both new members and old members.
If you have not met and visited with James Haynie, you should
plan to do so at the S.W. Missouri Show, eight miles west of
Springfield, Missouri on Hwy 60, on September 15, 16, 17, and 18,
1988. He is truly the ‘Clown Prince’ of gas engines.