It Didn’t Take Much To Get Hooked!

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1997
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Rt. 1, Box D Napoleon, Missouri 64074

Several years ago I moved to Napoleon, Missouri, unaware of the
tractor and engine hobby that exists today. Not until I attended
Napoleon’s annual tractor and engine show did I find out about
the numerous restored engines and tractors that were stashed in
many of the garages and sheds throughout the neighborhood! Upon
seeing my first open crank hit and miss engine, I was rather
fascinated. In addition, it was easy to see how the sightseeing
crowd was quickly drawn to the engine display area whenever another
one was being fired up. I can honestly say these engines rekindle
memories of me daydreaming in church when I was ten years old. It
was then I would contemplate how pistons, valves and crankshafts

Last year, I mentioned to my neighbor how I was kind of
interested in getting an engine to play with. It wasn’t long
until I received a collect phone call from the Midwest Old
Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Three of the local engine
experts who were attending the threshers reunion said they had
found an engine in real good condition, on trucks, for a fair price
and wanted to know if I was ready to take the plunge! I told them
to bring it home! That night when they returned, my wife and I
walked across the street to see it. In the midst of eight men
standing in a circle was this beautiful sight! My own 1925, 2 HP,
DeLaval Alpha engine that had an unforgettable sounding rhythm to

Restoration was limited to new paint and detailing. The rough
old skids were replaced with white oak and finished with tung oil.
I ordered a custom-made gas tank from Mike Green in Des Moines,
Iowa, who did a good job. After doing a complete tear down, I
couldn’t rest until it was back together and running again.

Being new to the hobby, I can tell you that the Gas Engine
Magazine provided me with excellent information about engines and
enjoyable stories to read. I look forward to each issue. The night
I found antique engines on the Internet in the World Wide Web, I
stayed up all night looking at engines as well as other related
articles. I considered purchasing a sound card for my computer to
enable me to sample the tractor and engine sounds.

I am grateful for the people who have taken the time to help
advise me about engines. It is obvious that this hobby is supported
by a quality, down to earth group of people.

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