I am a new subscriber to the Gas Engine Magazine and I enjoy it
very much. What caused me to write is the picture of the Kenwood
engine built by Stickney on page 41 of the July-August 1974 issue
of the Gas Engine Magazine.
Well, I have a Stickney. The patent date on the coil says Feb.
19, 1907, August 29, 1911, so the date of the engine must be 1911.
It is 1-3/4 h.p. My Great-Grandpap bought the engine brand new in a
hardware store in Pittsburg, Pa. He handed it down to Grandpap who
sold it to me for $5.00. It was always kept in a shed out of the
weather and was in real good condition when I bought it. The only
work me and dad had to do on it was put on a new gas line, free the
igniter, and get a battery. I painted the engine all up and it runs
real nice.
I am sending pictures of my engine with this letter.
You can see the igniter on the side of the engine and directly
above it is the sight gauge for the water tank. The tank is not
‘open’ on the top like most others so the sight gauge is
made necessary. The gas tank is on top of the engine and I have
never seen this before. It is gravity flow the whole way. The
carbureter sticks out in front and I have never seen this before
Picture was taken at the Northwestern Pennsylvania Steam
Engine and Old Equipment Association Show held in Middle Lancaster,
Pa. August 1, 2, 3, 1974. It shows a close-up of the carburetor.
The cast-iron muffler clearly stands out. The oil cup goes in
through the side of the engine, instead of through the top. I have
been told that the stem sticking out of the water tank is there so
you can oil the exhaust valve rod. Also, the front of the engine is
supported by a pivot pin.
Picture was taken at the same Show and it shows a back-view of
the engine. You can see the location of the coil. The name-plate is
clear in back of the engine and it helps cover the cam.
One more thing. The governor is shaped like a cup with two
weights in it which runs directly from the cam.
What I would like to know is:
1. Have you ever seen an engine like mine before?
2. How many of these were made?
3. How many of these are left?
4. What year is my engine?
I hope this letter, along with the pictures, will help you in
finding information about my engine.
Courtesy of Richard Alan Ambrose, R.D. #1, Bicker Road, Cabot,
Pa. 16023