You know the thrill of tramping through the woods or an
abandoned field or out behind an old barn and suddenly spotting
under weeds and dirt and covered with rust what was once a shiny,
powerful, engine the pride of its owner? Here are pictures that
capture that thrill.
The first picture was sent to us by Richard O. Lewis, 5565
Hidden Harbor Landing, Gainesville, Georgia 30501. He tells us that
the engine is in the undergrowth and bushes along a driveway to the
home of the owner, whose father used it on a corn machine and for
sawing wood many years ago. The engine is intact but water was left
in the hopper and so it froze up, cracking the head area.
Unfortunately, the owner refused to sell, so the engine remains
The remaining pictures were sent to us by Charles 1. Shelton of
511 N. Cochran, Hobbs, New Mexico 88241. Charles hopes that these
pictures will encourage our readers to get out and look for old
engines. He knows they are still out there, as I he has found at
least 15 to 20 engines and tractors in the past two years.
Above two pictures are of parts of unidentified engines.
The first picture was made in Texas, the second in Oklahoma.
Below are pictures of old Bessemer engine parts found abandoned
in Texas (top two pictures) and a 125 HP Superior, also in Texas
(the lower four photos).