How I ‘Unstuck’ My Maytags

By Staff
Published on April 1, 1994
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30 W. Hilton Redlands, California 92373

The model 82 and 92 Maytags shown here were both basket case
piles of rust with missing parts and stuck pistons. So badly stuck,
that months of total immersion in WD-40 and various other
substances produced no results.

To finally break them loose, a puller was fabricated to put
pressure on the fragile connecting rods and the cylinders were
heated with a torch. Gradual increase in pressure and more heat
finally unstuck them. Since the 82 is a rope start, (and I am
lazy), a ‘V’ pulley was attached over the flat pulley and
they were then belted together with a clutch arrangement. By first
starting the 92 with the kick pedal, starting the 82 become a
matter of simply clutching it in. By trial and error it was found
that the pulley on the 82 has to be a larger diameter than the one
on the 92 or the speed controls have to be re-adjusted. Otherwise
the 82 will turn over too fast and the governor will not activate
the ignition with a resultant no start.

My apologies to the purists for the wild color scheme on the
model 92!

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