How Do You Like These Old Apples?

By Staff
Published on November 1, 2000
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6 Williamson Lane, Chester, New Jersey 07930-2311

Some of you readers ask to see small engines in service. Well,
the Hardie Sprayer gets put to service every seven to ten days from
early spring to fall.

The tank is 50 gallons capacity, made of wood, and takes three
to four days to swell watertight. It’s powered by Briggs &
Stratton but no tag. I don’t know the year, model or power, but
it sure runs perfectly and it does not object to the Clinton gas

Here is a question: Why would we collectors and admirers of old
equipment use a new, valuable, couple-of-thousand-dollar lawn
tractor to tow the spray unit, and get it covered with sticky,
corrosive, dirty fruit-tree chemicals, when sitting right there is
a few hundred dollars worth of perfectly running, but much less
valuable CoPar Panzer?

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