By Staff
Published on March 1, 1985
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The Olufson truck loaded up for the cross country trip.

14413 Hatteras Ave. Van Nuys California 91401

This summer past, my wife Karen and I delivered a 16 HP New Era
gas engine from California to Connecticut on the back of our 1935
Ford 1 ton truck. What a sight to behold! Wherever we stopped it
was the same: ‘What year’s the truck?’ ‘What’s
that thing on the back?’ ‘What’s it do?’ ‘Where
are you taking it?’ One man up in Oregon even flagged us down
right on the highway! Said he was a collector also.

I had the pleasure of going to a few gas engine shows back east
and met a lot of nice people. I also noticed how many people in
this hobby throughout the country donate their time and efforts
putting on these shows asking for absolutely nothing in return.
When you stop and look at what these people have accomplished,
strictly by donation, it makes me proud.

We also had the pleasure of stopping at Wakelee, Michigan to
visit with our dear friends, Ed and Annetta Thournburg. Ed has
built his sawmill all from scrap parts and it works beautifully. He
also has some nice engines. You have to be careful with Ed though
and not admire his stuff too much or he will want to give it to
you! Hope we can get back to see them soon.

We stopped and picked up another engine for the return trip from
Ken Wolf in Peru, Indiana. Never have seen such a fine collection
as his. The engine we picked up there was a 1894 Otto gas engine
which went to Larry Thompson in Gardena, California. Larry is the
president of our club at Vista, California, which is The
Southwestern Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum. At this time, I
would like to invite all of you to stop by our museum: South
Guajome Park, 2040 North Santa Fe Ave. Vista California 92083. My
home is always open also.

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