Route #1, Box 26, Shelby, Iowa 51570
The Good Neighbors Group has been threshing for eight years. We
started out on Wayne Siebel’s farm north of Minden, Iowa. When
we outgrew that spot, the group moved to the Pottawattamie
Historical Society’s Carstens Farm south of Shelby, Iowa.
The farm and many antique items were willed to the Historical
Society in 1977 when Henry J. ‘Hiney’ Carstens, Jr., died.
The three-generation farm had been in the Carstens family since
1871, when it was purchased from the railroad. All the farm
buildings have since been restored by the Society. This year the
little homestead was all tidy and mowed with lots of T.L.C. by Phil
Schnitker and crew.
The Good Neighbors have maintained the farm equipment, and have
been quite busy over the past few years. Last year, they moved an
old saw mill onto the homestead. In early spring, a new pole
building was put up, built with native lumber sawed at that mill.
During the annual show this building is filled with craftspeople;
over the winter it will house the machinery.
The Good Neighbors feel that this year’s show, held
September 12 and 13 (see accompanying show report), was the best
yet, thanks to the generous help of area people.