Flywheel Forum

By Staff
Published on December 1, 2007
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42/7/2: Foos truck

One of my pickers located a 1-1/2 HP Foos Jr., which I now have
in my possession. The engine is mechanically sound and complete
except for gas tank and muffler. I have a question, not of the
engine, but of the truck. None of my Foos literature shows a truck
for this size engine. Is it a Foos truck or another engine
manufacturer? The larger wheel on the truck is 12 inches in
diameter. Bob Kubisch, 2111 Gillbride Road, Martinsville, NJ

42/7/1: Detroit engine

I have a Detroit engine and I would like to know more
information about it.You can see additional photos of the engine at

My questions are: How does the fuel injection and float system
work? How does the governor regulate the speed of the engine? What
is the correct relaxed length of the governor spring? What is the
correct size for the battery box, fuel tank and skid?

Are the following numbers significant: “B 54” stamped on the end
of the crankshaft; “B 54″ stamped on the flywheel rim;”1 AG” cast
onto the cylinder;”3 AG” cast onto the crankcase. Paul Breaks, 3976
176 St., Surrey, BC, Canada V3S 0L5.

42/7/3: Identification request

This photo was taken on the farm of Ed Fordham near Aberdeen,
S.D. Ed was my great grandfather. I don’t know when the photo was
taken or the make and model of the engine. Maybe someone with more
knowledge could tell us? The man on the left is Ed Fordham and his
son Clarence is in the center. The man on the right is unknown.
Lynn Curtis, P.O. Box 426, Pawnee City, NE 68420.

42/7/4: Ideal Model R

I’ve just recently acquired an engine called an Ideal Model R,
serial no. 06802. I’m told it is a hit-and-miss engine from a lawn
mower and has no magneto. It’s supposed to use a battery and a buzz
coil. Could someone please send me a wiring diagram for this
engine? It’s in very good condition and I’d like to try to get it
running. Thank you. Bruce Chapman, 64 Loxwood St., Worcester, MA

42/7/5: Request for the basics

What I know about the mechanics and theory of hit-and-miss
engines is zero. I am an octogenarian, but can learn new

Does anyone know ofany books, journals or periodicals that
explain the functioning of how a hit-and-miss operates? Ed Hodges,

42/7/6: Aermotor date

I have an Aermotor 8-cycle gas engine, serial no. IWREW. Where
can I find out what year it is? John Kline, 840 Fountain St.,
Ashland, PA 17921-9013.

42/7/7: Field & Son

I have looked high and low for information on a very strange
water-cooled engine I have. It has Field & Son stamped
underneath. Where might I go to get information? Thanks much.
Charlie Schmidt,

42/7/8: Identification needed

In regard to the article on the Fairmont Railway Motors in the
August/September issue of Gas Engine Magazine, I thought I’d send
along a postcard showing a gas engine mounted on a handcar, which I
think may be pre-1900 based on the card photo format. I can’t read
the plate on the engine with a magnifier but no doubt, a more
experienced reader will be able to identify it. Pat Dowd, (309)

42/7/9: Woodpecker

I am trying to determine the date on an 8 HP Woodpecker
hit-and-miss engine. The serial number is 15919, the RPM is 335 and
it has original wheels. Dale Lucas,

Flywheel Forum is a place for readers to ask questions and share
information on their equipment. If you have a question about your
engine or tractor, please send it along to Gas Engine Magazine,
1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265.

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