115 WestNorth College, YellowSprings, Ohio 45387
There was a twinkle in his eyes and a smile upon his face as
Joseph Sutton exclaimed, ‘So that’s my old engine!’ He
was talking to William Schaub of Yellow Springs, Ohio, the present
owner and a long time friend. He went on to explain how
exasperating it had been 50 years ago when the 1 HP Mogul was
supposed to pump water from the spring.
‘I would get it started and then climb the hill to our
house. By the time I reached my destination that engine would stop
and I would have to go through that same procedure all over
He went on to recall that the engine was not new when he
purchased it. Since he had only a limited knowledge of machinery,
he often loaded the culprit into a truck and hauled it, for
repairs, to a ‘shade-tree mechanic’ – they were numerous in
those days.
Again he tried to pump water and again the engine balked.
thoroughly disgusted, he disposed of it and the engine sat under
a pine tree neglected, for perhaps 40 years. The third owner then
gave it to his son-in-law who hauled it across town and stored it
in his garage, under a workbench.
Since he was not a collector, nor interested in restoring the
engine, he sold it to William Schaub. This meant still another ride
across town. Schaub was happy to add one more
engine to his collection and began the task of restoration. The
engine, at long last, responded to ‘tender loving care.’
There had been five owners, all in the Yellow Springs area.
So, it was an eventful day, when Schaub loaded the engine and
hauled it a short distance for Joseph Sutton, who is now 101 years
of age, to see and hear and touch that ‘contrary old
engine’ once again!