117 Lind Street McMinnville, Tennessee 37110-1922
In the center of this display trailer is my Novo hit and miss 1
HP Model S, #74954.
It is all original, with a Bosch BA1 ED-19 magneto, back gearing
to a Myers 3 inch pump and factory I-beam wagon. Portable outfit
#M1978 designation is found on the wagon and hopper I.D.
On July 19,1922, it was shipped from Novo’s factory in
Lansing, Michigan, to the R.H. Newell Company in Milford, Maine. In
1995, during a visit to Connecticut, Mr. Jim Rhoades found it
listed for sale in a local paper. It was returned to his home in
Toccoa, Georgia, where both he and his brother Harold do excellent
engine restorations.
Novo began business in 1912 and produced seventy-five varieties
of water pumps, air compressors, spray and saw rigs and hoist
outfits. Twenty of the largest concrete mixer manufacturers used
their engines.
It is displayed along with a 4 HP Domestic with 4′ water
pump and a 5 HP Majestic belted to a Kelly Duplex feed mill. In the
background is a Houston, Stanwood and Gamble steam engine recently
relocated after fifty years in the woods.