Rt. 5, Box 375, Boone, North Carolina 28607
In the good old summertime. . . It’s that time again, folks!
Time to mark your calendars for the shows you plan to attend this
season. In that respect, let me tell you again about a ‘little
ole show’ called the High Country Crank Up. This show is held
in Boone which is located in Northwestern North Carolina in the
heart of the Blue Ridge Highlands. Last year’s show, the
fourteenth annual, was held at the High Country Fairgrounds-Raceway
on July 23, 24 and 25, 1993.
This small show is beginning to attract some attention as it is
being well publicized in several magazines, local newspapers, and
with both local and regional TV coverage.
Boone, North Carolina is a diverse area that offers a variety of
natural beauty, a mountain empire that is rich in history and
tradition, and a world of things to do and places to visit. Boone
is also home of the nation’s only Firefly Festival (held in
June). I always enjoy telling people about this beautiful place
where I am privileged to live, and where the views are spectacular
year-round and the weather is most unpredictable.
This year’s show brought three beautiful warm, sunny days
with gentle, cool nights. By show’s end Sunday afternoon, most
everyone showed evidence of a suntan and some with parched
The 1993 show reported: one horseless carriage, one hot air
(water) pump, 2 displays of hog oilers, two early American washing
machines, two hot air fans, two antique cars, three lawn mowers,
four antique tool displays, four grist mills with several in
operation and selling corn meal, five toy displays (replicas of
early farm equipment), seven steam engines, 20 model displays, 24
tractors, 332 gas engines.
A popular exhibit was an Ottawa log saw in operation sawing
black gum for wagon wheels. Both spectators and exhibitors were
enjoying themselves. Exhibitors included people from as far away as
Ireland and across the United States, such as California and Texas.
The Grimseys from Pennsylvania were there with New Way engines,
which were featured on the front cover of Gas Engine Magazine for
July 1993. The majority of participants, however, were from North
Carolina, Tennessee, and surrounding states.
Other notables were plenty of homemade ice cream and other fine
foods, crafts and flea market items, engine related and antique
auction, and Sunday morning church service with an inspirational
message by an 85-year-old minister.
A congratulatory effort should be made to the members and
spouses of the Carolina Fly-Wheelers Engine Club for another great
show. The best of times was had by all those attending the
fourteenth annual High Country Crank Up.
This year’s show will be held July 29, 30, and 31, 1994. For
additional information contact show coordinators Mack Hodges at
(704) 264-2196 or Ray Scholl at (704) 297-4406.