Donald W. Thomas of Rt #4, Box 268, Lillington, NC 27546
has been a GEM reader for about five years. Last winter he restored
this 1918 Fairbanks Morse throttle engine. ‘I realize the color
isn’t correct,’ he writes, ‘but it seems that there are
too many green engines around sometimes. The engine color is almost
a perfect match for the Carolina blue sky in the background even
though I didn’t intend it to be that way when I started.’
Donald reports further that the Fairbanks was complete and running
when he bought it three years ago. He has run the engine on gas,
kerosene, camp stove fuel, diesel fuel and all kinds of
combinations of the above, and it burns all equally well once it
gets hot. He also had a tip for International Harvester
collectors-condensers for IHC model LA &. LB engines using the
IHC magneto and some of the older model tractors can still be
bought through NAPA distributors. ‘It is made by Echlin and is
sold as part #IHC-201 condenser,’ he reports.
Carolina Blue Fairbanks Morse
By Staff
|Published on March 1, 1989 Fairbanks Morse throttle engine
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