Baker Pump

By Staff
Published on June 1, 1994
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R.R. #7, Dresden, Ontario, Canada NOP 1M0

This is a pump by Baker Mfg., Evansville, Wisconsin, better
known as a Monitor pump. I noticed several differences between the
ones I have seen. The gas tank is more like a canteen; the muffler
is like a ball with three lobes; the pump jack is in a sub base and
cannot be put in or out. I also found that the valves are in two
separate cages which are down in direction and beside each other.
There is no drip lubricator, but there is a splash oil system. On
the tag marked type, there is nothing. The oil inspection cover is
cast iron and is held by a wedge slide instead of a hinge and wing

I purchased this engine from my good friend Tom Starling, of
Alburn Heights, Michigan. We guessed at the age of this engine and
I looked through GEMs from 1967 to the present and only found one,
which was not complete.

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