115 West North College St., Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
More than twenty years have elapsed since we attended our very
first show with exhibits of antique machinery, that included steam
and gas engines.
Looking backwards, why wasn’t each date and location
recorded? Now, it would be gratifying to count the total. The
distance traveled? From New York to Florida; from Ohio to Iowa and
We have made a multitude of friends, all with a common interest
of engines. The most exciting experience happened during the past
An engine lover stopped by our display at a show. During our
conversation he asked if we planned to attend a public auction as
advertised in Gas Engine Magazine. Considering the distance of 900
miles, we had given the listing only a casual glance. The next
statement was, ‘But there’s a Schaub engine for sale!’
Quickly we grabbed the magazine and made an affirmative decision.
We attended the sale in South Dakota and purchased the engine.
Upon arrival home, a novel idea presented itself. How can we
notify our best friends of the latest addition to our
The following message was inscribed upon pretty postal cards:
‘Announcing the arrival of another ‘Schaub’. Weight 246
lbs. 8 oz. approx., length 31 inches, 8 HP, by public auction,
Sept. 4, 1987. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Proud owners: Bill and
Elva Schaub.’
That was only half the fun. Days later a delivery truck stopped
with a package. Inside the brown paper was colorful gift wrap,
featuring baby pictures. And inside that was a box holding a bottle
of oil for the newcomer!
Next came acknowledgement to the donor. This event brought
laughter and joy to all. But, how many of you can boast of an
engine bearing your family name cast on the valve cover?