This is my Alpha engine made by the De Laval Separator Co., New York/Chicago. The tag is stamped “type J310,” “H.P. L W,” and “364” under the speed.
According to the previous owner, this once ran a vacuum pump via a flat belt. He had used it last to run a water pump to pump water out of a well for his heifers. He said that it quit running.
I found the magnets are very weak and, hence, have no spark. I now use a battery and external coil, until I can find someone to energize the magnets for me. The fuel tank and the oil tank are cast into the base and are halfway the length of the base. I haven’t so far found much about this on the Internet as most De Laval engines are bigger than this one, so I’d appreciate any information anyone might have.
Contact Louis Brumaghim at 5678 State Rt. 10, Cobleskill, NY 12043;