13 Harrison, E. Hampton, Massachusetts 01027
Shown are some views of the old Abenaque engine plant that was
built in Wesminster Station, Vermont in 1883. The engines were made
at the rate of one per day-not bad for a small town of 700-800
At that time Vermont was noted for more cattle than people.
The engines were made in 3, 4, 5, 7 and 15 horsepower and later
Abenaque Machine Company built air compressors.
This company was in Vermont and manufactured close to 5000
engines and later some tractors. Some of the engines were exported
to Europe.
In 1915 Abenaque suffered great financial loss. The company
later reorganized and ran a plant for about five years in
Marlborough, New Hampshire. They had a central office at 7 Milk
Street, Boston, Massachusetts.
The Abenaque engine was named in honor of the Abenaque Indian
tribe that lived in the area in the 1670s.
The Abenaque name has also been spelled Abenaki.