A Question for Fairbanks-Morse Owners

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1977
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1336 Peach Avenue, El Cajon, California 92021

I recently received a copy of C. H. Wendel’s ‘Power in
the Past’ – Volume 2, a history of Fairbanks, Morse and

It was a most interesting and informative book.

However, page 98 raises a question. There is a list of serial
numbers by year. The numbers range from 1911 to 1948 and the last
number recorded is 908813 -this is supposed to be the highest
serial number used on Fairbanks-Morse engines. However, I have a 2
HP F-M kerosene engine (see pictures) which very clearly shows the
serial number 1114600. I wrote to Mr. Wendel and he replied that to
the best of his knowledge F-M never made any engines with a seven
digit serial number.

I would like to have all your Fairbanks-Morse owners check their
serial numbers and see if anyone else has one with a seven digit
number. If so, let me know. Please send a rubbing (use soft lead
pencil and paper) if necessary. I’ll get the information and
send it on to Mr. Wendel and see if he can shed some light on this.
Also, be sure to include the style, model and horse power rating
with the serial number.

John Toom, who is a well-known engine collector in the
Southeastern El Cajon area, suggested that maybe the engine was
made just a few years ago in Mexico -I doubt it.

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