By Staff
Published on January 1, 1975
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Eric and Les take time out for lunch at the County Fair.
Eric and Les take time out for lunch at the County Fair.
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This is my new mail box to welcome Gas Engine Magazine and Iron-Men Album.
This is my new mail box to welcome Gas Engine Magazine and Iron-Men Album.
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R D 4, Box 226, Le Mars, Iowa 51031

Time for a few lines again from the Pioneer Machinery Club of
Merrill, Iowa. We had a good year – got a few new members, lost a
few – but that’s the way things go. We have a real nice group
of fellows that attend our meetings the first Monday of every
month. We have good luck getting slides, etc. from members of
different things that they do, so we don’t have many

We had a nice display at the Ply. Co. Fair again this year. Les
Williams and Eric Banks really carry the ball for our club at these
doings. They always put on a nice display and never crab and cry
about anything – really a nice pair.

I would like to tell you a little about our youngest member,
Eric Banks. He is only 13 years old, but already has a pretty good
knowledge of gas engines. Eric also helps his brothers on the farm.
He lives with his grandparents as he lost both of his parents a few
years ago. We all in the club think a lot of our youngest member
who seems much older than his years.

We attended some other shows this year at LeMars, Iowa and

I put up a new mail box just to receive my GEM.

This is not a Kitten engine but a John Deere D, all painted –
have steel wheels coming that will be put on later. The cats are my
hand fed live stock. The mothers were killed on the highway and we
raised them by hand and never lost a one out of 13. I’d say
that was a pretty good average.

Eric helps Les oil up for another day’s running at the Ply.
Co. Fair. The small red engine is a Waterloo 1-1/2 HP. The bigger
engine is my 3-1/2 HP Associated.

Here is Eric telling Grandma what a good buy some fellow offered
him on a gas engine. I guess he said the right thing as Les had an
extra engine to haul home.

He seems to be saying, ‘I can’t understand it the darn
thing ran good a few minutes ago.’ [It was out of gas!]

Courtesy of Harry H. Bonnema, Le Mars, Iowa 51031

Eric got everything going again – ‘Think I’ll wipe off
my hands and go get a coke’.

Courtesy of Harry H. Bonnema, Le Mars, Iowa 51031

Pictured is my Keck-Gonnerman threshing machine. I bought it at
a farm sale several years ago for $45.00 – I would not take $450.00
for it. I have threshed with it and it is in good running

Courtesy of E. Wm. Timmerman, Route 1, Box 858, Oakley, Illinois

The 1926 I.H.C. truck is a Model 33, capacity 1-1/2 tons, 4
cylinder overhead valve engine, 3 speed transmission, wheels are
cast steel, pneumatic tires. Top speed 19.4 miles per hour. I
don’t believe this truck could run or drive any better if it
were brand new. I have just finished restoring it.

Courtesy of O.B. Hale, Route 8, Morristown, Tennessee 37814

Shown is a picture of a Hart-Parr tractor that was taken in 1963
near Bridgeport, Nebraska. It is rated 12-24.

Howard Kerschner, Route 1, Box 18, Merino, Colorado, 80741

Parading in front of the grandstand

Courtesy of Ervie F. Pennell, 401 Bank Street, Titusville,
Pennsylvania 16354

This picture shows a row of gas engines. These taken at the
Pioneer Steam and Gas Engine Society of Northwest Pennsylvania Show
in July 1974.

Courtesy of Ervie F. Pennell, 401 Bank Street, Titusville,
Pennsylvania 16354

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