Forest Grove Trailer Park, Ontario, N. Y. 14519
As I am writing this, preparations are under way for our Annual Reunion the last weekend in July. The next few weeks will be very busy ones. We are members of three organizations, which we will help at, and we intend to visit a show in Ohio on our vacation and another one later on in Pennsylvania.
A few weeks ago, I had a bronchial congestion which almost developed into pneumonia .I needed four injections of an antibiotic before it went away. Today, we have Medicare, Medicaid, Health and Accident Insurance, doctors specializing in all branches of medicine and very modern hospitals. Do you ever stop and think how our Grandparents managed when they were ill?
They did not go to a doctor with every ache, pain or spread of disease. Doctors were scarce and then, too, they did not have the necessary money. They depended mostly on home remedies and cures which were handed down from one generation to another.
Calomel, quinine, whiskey, castor oil and epsom salts were the main remedies of those days and considered a cure for most all ailments. A cure for a chest cold was a mixture of turpentine, kerosene and lard mixed to a paste and applied to the chest. Poultices made from fried onions was considered good. A mustard poultice was used for colds and back aches. For coughs there were mixtures of coal tar and honey, another was molasses and ginger.
They believed that the blood thickened in the winter and in the spring, all were given sassafras to thin the blood. Also, sulpher and molasses was given to purify the blood. Drawing of blood was another so called cure for the sick. Leeches were used for this. A bag of asafetida was thought to prevent much illness and was tied around the neck.
Many of the old time remedies were handed down from the Indians, who believed that herbs, roots and barks helped to prevent and cure disease. These home made medicines did not cost much, and some of them did a good job in those days when doctors were hard to find and money hard to come by.
We have had many heavy rains and thunder showers around here lately. Sure hope it gets rained out before the Reunions start. Here, in the fruit belt, it is cherry picking time. It is truly a beautiful sight to ride through the orchards and see the dark red fruit against the green of the trees.
At our house, I have finally completed my dress and sun bonnet. I thought it would be warm to wear, but now I don’t think it will. Paul has just bought a low trailer to haul behind the car. It will solve the transportation problem of taking his Gravely tractor to a couple of the shows.
A McCormick Deering W-30 I bought last October from a farmer friend. It had not been started since 1958. Now it runs well At the present time I’m working on an I, Case. Guthrie Zaring is at the wheel.
I Ib. brown sugar, 1-1/2 cups shortening 3 eggs, 1/4 cup milk, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1-1/2 tsp. soda, 1-1/4 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt, 5-1/2 cups sifted flour, 1 cup chopped nuts and I cup chocolate chips.
Mix. Shape in rolls. Chill or freeze. Slice about 1/4′ thick and bake on un-greased sheet 12 minutes in 365 degrees oven.
A good thought to close with – It isn’t what you take up that makes you rich, it’s what you give up.’