3535 Glen Oak Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97405
Often when we are fortunate enough to acquire an engine with an
igniter, we find that the original platinum-alloy points are so
badly burned that they must be replaced. An inexpensive substitute
is readily available-iron nails. For the average igniter, select
some nails from the hardware store that have heads about
3/16‘ in diameter and about 1/8’
thick. Drill out the old burned points with a drill size barely
large enough to clean the holes. Then chuck each nail by its shank
in a lathe or electric drill and turn the shank for about
3/16′ to a diameter close to the drill
diameter. Cut off the remaining shank and rivet in place, being
careful to get the nail head on the correct side.
Iron nails provide a splendid electrical spark with formation of
many little incandescent flying particles that ignite fuel vapors
with vigor. They probably won’t give the long service that
platinum did, but they’re far cheaper and will be quite
satisfactory for the light, intermittent service most of us require
of our engines.