Spry Wheel Walk Behind Plow

By Staff
Published on January 1, 1987
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P.O. Box 174, Sunapee, NH 03782

Here is a picture of the Spry Wheel walk behind plow I have just
restored. It is severity to eighty years old. I found it in a barn
in Claremont, New Hampshire and have restored it to its original
condition and colors.

It is so old that it has no engine numbers. It is direct drive
and has no throttle, only a spark control. It has the old block
style chain. It was manufactured in Waltham, Massachusetts and I
believe the company had offices in New York as well. They had a
full page ad in the February 1921 issue of Country Gentleman
advertising the plow for $150.00.

I am retired and I restore one lunger engines and exhibit them
at the local shows and in Zolfo Springs, Florida. I am a member of
the Granite State Antique Gas and Steam Engine Association, the
Central Gas and Steam Engine Association, the Vermont Gas and Steam
Engine Association, and the Cast and Brass Engine Association.

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