The ‘good ‘of summertime’ is really passing and I
don’t know how hot it is in your section of the country, but in
this area, it really hasn’t been very hot– we had a very wet
spring, then a dry spell and now again it’s been raining for
days–I rather expect though about the second week in September
we’ll get the hot summer days we were yearning for– and by
then the schools will be in full session again–and that’s
Busy summer here–highlights for Tommie–he learned to ride his
two-wheeler bike without the training wheels–and he started piano
lessons in the spring and is continuing (this was his idea to try
piano–we think it’s wonderful and hope he goes on with them).
He is looking forward to going to the shore next week and he’s
had a lot of fun at the swimming pool and just playing with friends
and he and nephew, Ryan, have a great time.–The two of them keep
us all stepping!
Keli, 14, has been busy with Drill Team competitions and
practices and had a few days at Cheerleading Camp (which was no
easy matter–they really worked and practiced all day from 6:30
a.m. on–they found aching muscles they never knew existed). She
will be spending a few days at Penn State next week with the Drill
Team and the final competition. Other than that she lives at the
swimming pool and by the telephone.
Don, now 17, has been working this summer with the Township
doing different jobs as painting, ditch digging, garbage truck
quite often–and when asked how business was, answered, ‘Oh,
picking up!’ It’s been good for him and he is showing he
can be responsible, gets himself up and off to work and etc.–also
helps the money situation. And now I must get on to the letters for
this time.
ROBERT ENEVALD, Rt. 1, Box 494, Coloma, Michigan 49038 is very
much interested in any information on a ‘Bulls Eye’ gas
engine. These were built in Pennsylvania. At least, that is what
Mr. Enevald says–I don’t know. How about you gas zealous
folks? Can you give Bob the needed data?
Some help wanted and some help given from FRED WRAIGHT, Veteran,
Alberta, Canada. ‘I wonder if any of your readers could tell me
where to get motor parts for Rumely six cylinder model. I have
noticed most stationary engines have trucks under them. I have seen
only one in this district with wheels under it. Also, in your
pictures the drip lubricators are all on engines. I have only one
and cannot seem to find any more.
Maybe I can be of some help to the boys who are charging
magnets. Wind No. 10 wire, 4 lbs. on each core, one opposite to the
other. Place a heavy duty switch between battery and charger for
safety. Mark your magnet before removing and if left from mag frame
any length of time, place flat soft iron bar across ends. Suspend
magnet on a string over charger with current turned on (6 volt)
magnet will turn to correct poles. Flow current 2 or 3 minutes,
then repeat flow 2 or 3 times. When removing magnet, disconnect
battery and lift magnet up from charger. Do not slide from cores.
Make sure your plates on top of cores are large enough that magnet
ends are not over edge, as this will tend to curve your lines of
Do not blame all your trouble on weak magnets. Check end play on
rotor and small carbon brushes. I find most trouble in mags is
small cracks in insulation and under the collector rings.’
From DENNIS G. CLIFFORD, Maple Street, Granville, Massachusetts
01034 comes this communication: ‘This is my first letter to
G.E.M. I’ve been a subscriber for three years and enjoy your
magazine very much. In regard to WHAT IS IT? on page 34 of
March-April 1971, in the upper left corner, the engine looks just
like my Witte. Mine is somewhat bigger. I don’t know the hp of
Mr. Hanson’s, but mine is 6′ x 8’ and has about 30 inch
flywheels and the name plate lists it as a 7 hp. I believe the
color is a kelly green. Mine was repainted red and black, but there
are traces of the green color under the red paint. Also, my engine
has a cast babbitt main bearing. I am trying to locate a bearing
for mine as I am restoring it to use on a sow rig. If anyone knows
where I could find one, I would appreciate hearing from them.
DONALD WADE, R. 1, Neshkoro, Wisconsin 54960 writes:
Thank you very much for printing my pictures in your great
magazine. The picture you inserted in your magazine for May–June
1970 brought letters from as far away as Kent, England as well as
Virginia and California. The one from Virginia identified it as a
Wiscono Pep Motor, made in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in 1924. The one from
England identified it with a photograph of the same identical
engine as a Lion, built in England in 1919.
I appreciate these letters and I answer them all. I am proud to
belong to a large family of gas engine collectors from throughout
the world. Also thanks for the picture of my 6 HP Novo in the
November–December issue of Gas Engine Magazine.
L. J. WILLIAMS, R. R. 1, Ads-head Road, Ladysmith, B. C, Canada
is looking for any available information on a 6 HP Galloway gas
engine. On the name plate it has: ‘The Galloway Mfd. by The Wm.
Galloway Co., Waterloo, Iowa, U. S. A. No 34811 HP 6.’ How
about it Fellows–any help for L.J.?
D. McVITTIE of Box 508, Alliston, Ontario, Canada sends the
following: ‘This is from American Handbook of Useful Knowledge
1902 and I thought the GEM readers may be interested in it.–The
largest stationary engine in the world is at the famous zinc mine
at Friedensville, Pennsylvania known as the President. It can raise
17,500 gallons per minute. The drive wheels are 35 feet in diameter
and weigh 40 tons each. The sweep rod is 40 feet long. The cylinder
is 110 inches in diameter. The piston rod is 18 inches in diameter
and it has a 10 feet stroke.’ Does anyone know about this
engine and by chance does it still exist? The article doesn’t
state whether it is steam, gas or kerosene.
JOHN DAVIDSON, Box 4, Bristol, Wisconsin 53104 needs information
on an Eli, made by the Moline Pump Company. Me would like someone
to lend him a catalog on the Eli. He has some catalogs he could
lend from his collection. Write him if you are interested.
FRED GERTJE of Orofino, Idaho needs help, as he writes: ‘I
have a John Deere 1? HP gas engine that I need a magneto bar for as
someone removed the bar from this engine before I got it. I also
would like to know if anyone has an idea about how to get a stuck
piston loose in a Fairbanks-Morse closed head Model Z engine.’
Send answers to Fred and help a fellow gas enthusiast.
I must say good-by now til next time, but remember–Prosperity
makes friends, adversity tries them.–Have fun the rest of the
Reunion season–store up those memories for the winter.