By Staff
Published on November 1, 1971
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Courtesy of Earlene Ritzman, 808 Wertzville Road, Enola, Pennsylvania 17025.
Courtesy of Earlene Ritzman, 808 Wertzville Road, Enola, Pennsylvania 17025.
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Courtesy of Denis McCormack, 404 W. Timonium Road, Timonium, Maryland 21093
Courtesy of Denis McCormack, 404 W. Timonium Road, Timonium, Maryland 21093
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Courtesy of Earlene Ritzman, 808 Wertzville Rd., Enola, Pennsylvania 17025.
Courtesy of Earlene Ritzman, 808 Wertzville Rd., Enola, Pennsylvania 17025.
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Courtesy of F. H. Warnock, 422 Euclid Ave. Peoria Heights, Illinois 61614.
Courtesy of F. H. Warnock, 422 Euclid Ave. Peoria Heights, Illinois 61614.
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Courtesy of Ralph Donaldson, 10275 Case Rd., Brooklyn, Michigan 49230.
Courtesy of Ralph Donaldson, 10275 Case Rd., Brooklyn, Michigan 49230.
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Courtesy of Ralph Donaldson, 10275 Case Rd., Brooklyn, Michigan 49230.
Courtesy of Ralph Donaldson, 10275 Case Rd., Brooklyn, Michigan 49230.

Can it really be this time already-the last issue of 71 going to
press? By the time this issue reaches you, you’ll have put your
summer clothes away and the sweaters, gloves and boots will be in
the front line awaiting their duty. (That is for the folks in the
cold areas-these friends in the South don’t know what we mean,
I guess, as they never need to get into the warmer apparel.)

We have so many letters this time, so I won’t take the space
up with my chattering. We’re all busy back here, buzzing with
school activities and thoughts of oncoming Holidays. And now onto
our friends of the Gas Engine Family.

R. F. SOMERVILLE, 12498 232nd St., Maple Ridge P. 0., Haney,
British Columbia, Canada writes: ‘On page 4 of July-August GEM,
Mr. Shade has three pictures of an old tractor and asks for
information. It is a 25-45 or 30-60 1910-1912, 2 cylinder twin
Titan made by I. H. C. The bore is 9′ by 14′ stroke, 335
rpm, gear drive, one forward speed 2? mph. Clutch and gear levers
are on the left side. It is a hit and miss governor, screen tank
cooled by means of rotary belt drive pump, in working order. It
weighs 20,600 lbs and will pull 8 – 10, 14′ bottom plow and
drive up to a 36 x 58 separator. It uses about 85 gallons of
gasoline a day and about two gallons of cylinder oil and sold for
$2350.00 F. O. B. Chicago.’

Thanks for the information Sir. No doubt many will be pleased to
hear this.

And a note from LAWRENCE F. ULRICH, Spalding, Saskatchewan,
Canada with a plea as to where he could get a reprint of an
instruction book for an 18-36 or 12-24 Hart-Parr. Lawrence is
getting interested in engines and now has four, two are restored
and two must be restored. Any help will be appreciated.

H. ROTOLO of 92 Hawley St., Binghamton, New York 13901 pens us
the following: ‘I find this hobby of old engines fascinating. I
have only three at present and recently picked up an air-cooled
Deyo engine, made in Binghamton, New York, in running condition.
Perhaps some of your readers can tell me something about this–such
as paint, color, horsepower, etc. Many thanks!’– Anybody out
there in Gas Engine Land to give Mr. Rotolo the answers he is
seeking? Drop him a line–he’s waiting to hear from you.

A newcomer to our Gas Engine Family, JOHN F. PETERS, Box 377,
Valley, Nebraska 68064 writes: ‘I am trying to restore my 1913
Rock Island gas engine and have just learned of your magazine. I
have just ordered a coil and hope to have my engine running soon. I
am wondering if you could advise me of anyone to contract to find
out the original color of my engine. It appears to me that it might
have been tan or beige with black or brown striping. I can still
see the striping but it is difficult to tell the original
color.’ So there is a brand new member of the has Engine
Magazine family awaiting to hear from his brothers.

E. H. BOWMAN, Route 2, Fred-ericksburg, Ohio 44627 asks:
‘Can you give me any in formation on the engine on the Power
Plant on back cover of July-August 1971 G. E. M.? I have one like
it and would like to know what kind it is and how I can gel it to

How about it Fellows–any help out there would be

HAROLD H. HOPKINS, 12804 Brookfield Road, Nokesville, Virginia
22123 would like to know what the original paint job was on an
English Fordson Tractor, 1938, Model N. He is in the process of
remodeling this Ford-son and needs the above information to make
his job authentic. –Your letters will be appreciated.

JERRY TOFWS, 12416 Fast Freeway, Houston, Texas 77015 pens us
these words: ‘I enjoy the GEM very much and wish you the best
of luck in the future. I would like lo hear from other engine
collectors in the Houston area as I am new in. town. Also, are
there any Gas-ups or engine clubs a-round here’

The reunions and gas-ups have not caught on out in that section
of the country yet to my knowledge, but if any of you know of any
close to there please let Jerry receive the particulars.– or why
not start one, Jerry?-there may be more folks interested than you

FRED W. TORWEGGE, 507 Raymond St., Potosi, Missouri 63664
dropped us a card recently telling us: ‘A few days ago I
visited the Illinois

Colonel Herndon’s big, but always reliable Fairbanks-Morse
was running as usual at the Sarasota Show in January 1971.

Hart-Parr 28-50 owned by Ronald Burkholder, Kinzers,
Pennsylvania. This was from the 1971 Kinzers Show. Picture by Dave
Egan, R. D. 5, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055.

State Fair at Springfield and enjoyed the trailer which
contained many Gas Engines. I tried to get some information there
but the man in charge was only able to give me your address for
your magazine.

I have an engine which I would like to know a little about its
history, age and etc. The nameplate reads as 101-lows-Gilson Mfg.
Co.-Builders-H. P. I-1? No. 53-Port Washington, Wisconsin.

It has a wooden pulley put together with pins. Thank you for any
information that you can send me.’ Well now, let’s not let
this interested gas enthusiast down get those letters out,

M. R. HAMMER, Franklin, West Virginia 26807 would like to know
of any place where he could get piston rings for a 7 horse power
Economy gas engine and also other size rings. Answers–anybody?

3 wheeled Happy Farmer owned by Amos Stauffer, R. D. 3, Ephrata,
Pennsyl vania 17522. Taken at the 1971 Kinzers Show. Photo by Dave
Egan, R. D. 5, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055.

DONALD JONES, Box 51, Errol, New Hampshire 03579 had written
awhile back about his engines and somehow the letter was mislaid
and didn’t get in my column before this for which I humbly
apologize. He had written: ‘Being a rather new subscriber to
your Gas Engine Magazine I have been rather hesitant to ask for
free information. However, seeing as the weather breaks here in the
north country around June, I plan on trying to run our 22 hp. Witte
engine and our 10 hp. Fairbanks engine. The Witte we purchased
disassembled and we hope we have all the parts. We would like very
much to get in contact with someone who has owned and run one of
these engines. Being sorta all alone up here in the northeast
corner of N. H. the only way we can think of making such contact is
via your magazine.

We need to know such things as top rpm., maximum hp, recommended
torque tension for bearing nuts. etc.

The Fairbanks is all together and the igniter instead of a spark
plug rather scares us. Actually, we are diesel folks. Diesel car
and diesel land-rever. We would even consider trading the above
mentioned engines someday for similar style and type in diesel.

We certainly appreciate any effort and space you might put forth
to help us with our needs.’–Boy, I really left them down as I
don’t know where this letter has been floating around–so come
on guys, get some letters up there fast-Thanks.

ROGER W. PAYNE, Route 4, Box 182, Salisbury, Maryland 21801
writes: ‘I have recently obtained an Ideal engine, Model R,
Serial No. 11275, probably manufactured by the Ideal Power Lawn
Mower Company, Lansing, Michigan. This is a small horizontal
air-cooled engine. The flywheels are 12 and five-eighth inches in
diameter with a 2’ face and uses a Wico magneto, type EK No.

Can you give me any idea how old this engine is and where I
might obtain repair parts as the fan for this engine is missing?
Otherwise it appears to be in operating condition.

For the past twelve years I have had a Nova 1? HP upright
water-cooled engine that I have restored to operation and have been
advised by the Nova Pump and Engine Company that it was sold before
1918 which is as far back as the records go.

Any information you can furnish would be greatly

You fellows in Gas Engine land have a lot of work cut out for
you this issue as we’ve had quite a few letters represented
here–how about it?

NORMAN DAVIS, R. R. 1, Sherrard, Illinois 61281 calls:
‘HELP! I have a 15 HP Patin Brothers engine made in Marietta,
Ohio, patented in May 26, 1903, Number 2537 and I need any kind of
information on this engine.’

I made these two photographs in the Techniska Museet in
Stockholm, Sweden. As would be expected, these early engines are
considerably different from those made in the United States.

This is combination engine and air compressor built in 1907.

This engine was built in Stockholm in 1897 and used until 1930
for pumping water. It ran 350 RPM. Because of my lack of knowledge
of the Swedish language, I am not sure about the fuel used or the
horsepower rating.

I don’t recall hearing that name of engine before hut then
I’m no expert in that field. Come to think of it, I guess
I’m not an expert in any field–oh well, I’ll keep

WARREN G. MYERS, R. R. 2, Box 125A, Columbia, Illinois 62236 is
asking: ‘In reading some of your articles, I am wondering if
you can help me on some information on a Sears Farm Master Engine
that I own. Information on the manufacturer and magneto would be
helpful. It is a 2 HP Serial No. Al 1913, Model 81 1.2. Also cast
in the hopper are the numbers 21-19 and a crest that looks like it
has a B – a staggered V and an F on it. Can anyone help

GEORGE E. TRY ON, 3019 Lone Pine Road, Schenectady, New York
12303 mails us this letter: ‘I am writing you and asking if you
can give me any information on my Pony Power gas engine. It is a
small type of one. I can’t seem to find anyone who can tell me
anything about it. Even the engine club I belong to and I also
wrote to the address that was on the engine, but so far haven’t
heard a word. The address on the engine was Wells Manufacturing
Corp., Mond Du Lac, Wisconsin, Model Number MJAC, Model Number
4980. I would like to know how old it is and everyone says they
have never seen one like it. I have had it to some Gas Engine Shows
our club has had without any luck so far as to the history. I am
wondering if you can help me.’

Well, there’s a hard one, Boys–anyone ever heard of the
Pony Power? Help George if you can. I know there is a Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin, but can find no Mond du Lac–but that was the way it was
written–very clearly Mond du Lac, Wisconsin.

I found a nice write-up on THANKFULNESS and thought it most
appropriate for this time:–First among the things to be thankful
for is a thankful spirit. Some people would grumble at the
accommodations in Heaven if they ever got there. They take their
blessings here so much as a matter of course, that even a day of
general thanksgiving once in a year is more than they feel any need
of. And if their personal blessings in any measure fail, gratitude
for what they have had or still enjoy is the last thing they think
of. Another class really desire to be thankful, but they are
naturally despondent. Their sky is as dark with clouds as though a
special Old Probabilities were employed to keep it full. They go
through the world in a deprecating spirit, hoping things may turn
out well yet fearing for the worst. We always feel glad for this
class when Thanksgiving Day comes around. They then have an
official warrant for gratitude. If their own hearts do not
formulate blessings, they can listen to the sermon, or look to the
President’s proclamation.

I low different with the thankful heart! What a gift it is to be
born with an outlook toward the bright side of things! And if not
so by nature, what a triumph of grace to be made thankful through a
renewed heart! It is so much more comfortable and rational to see
what we have to be thankful for and to rejoice accordingly, than to
have our vision forever filled with our lacks and our needs. Happy
are they who possess this gift! Blessings may fail and fortunes
vary, but the thankful heart remains. The happy past, at least, is
secure–and Heaven is ahead–Golden Rule.

Bye bye for now and do have a Thankful and Blessed Christmas

A. F. Fields, scraper foreman for Western Construction Company
of Sioux City, Iowa, stands beside the firm’s ‘home
built’ 170 ton giant. A 1650 horsepower, 16 cylinder diesel
engine drives an electrical generator that in turn drives a 400
horsepower electric motor on each of the 10-foot tires. Pushing a
pan, it can load 50 tons of dirt in 30 seconds. Jerry Kayl,
operator, climbs the ladder to ‘bridge type’ control cab.
It took four railroad cars to transport the machinery to the site
and more than 80 hours to assemble it. It was earthmoving for a new
steel corporation site.

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