Kitty in learning some phases of this work. So you see,
we’ve had quite a shake-up in the home office and we do hope
you will bear with us if things are not just as they should be, for
there are many things to do and it will take awhile to get all
settled down again.
We’re happy that you folks are sending us your pictures and
articles and many of them are typed double spaced as we requested.
Don’t forget though if you cannot get it typed, this does not
mean we will not accept it. It just helps us a lot if those of you
who can, do send them in as we requested.
We’re getting a lot of good comments on the magazine and it
seems people are pleased with the new G.E.M. and the subscription
list is growing – this, of course is what we want.
I can tell from your letters you gas hobbyists are looking
eagerly forward to the summer and the Reunions – do hope you can
get to them and have a good time.
That’s about all for this time and remember – Troubles are
the tools by which God fashions us for better things.
This is a 1914 two-cylinder opposed Mogul made by International.
Very rare.