Well, there will be alot of changes made now – daughter and
hubby, Bob had their baby FINALLY – on May 12 – due date was April
19th and we were all be ginning to be ‘nervous ninnies’ . I
know very well the old saying – ‘When the apple is ripe, it
will fall ‘ – but nevertheless one gels a bit apprehensive when
time goes on and on. Anyhow, it’s a darling baby boy who
weighed in at 8lb. 4? oz. 21?’ and with the name Ryan Robert
Eortenbaugh. And we’re having a wonderful time with the new
little grandson. We have two other grandchildren a girl and a boy –
Eddie and Kathleen’s children – but we rarely see them and its
heart-breaking -but this little fellow we’ve seen practically
everyday since his arrival into this world. So if the column is
smudged with baby oil, powder and etc. that’s why-and we’re
all very happy with our new little member of the family.
Harry Hall, 223 High St. S.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
writes – ‘I do wish to thank you for pulling the picture on the
cover of G.E.M. for March-April that I sent. I do wish you would
write a correction though. The owner of the engines shown on the
trailer is Mr. Clyde Rees, Bloomfield, Iowa 52537. I do think he
should have the credit for owning and restoring them.’
You’re a nice man Harry – you send in so many good pictures and
I think it’s great you wish to give proper credit.
QUESTION???? comes from John D. Benner, 313 Ruby Street,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603. ‘Could you do a little favor for
me and ask Stan Head or some of the gas engine nuts (me included)
if anyone knows any thing about Rumely Oil Pull engines.?’ (I
subscribe to your fine magazine and think it’s the
best.)–Well, Fellows, I don’t know just what John has in
mind-I don’t know much, but I do know we seem to have a lot of
pictures and captions in the magazine on them. Perhaps you can
assist him further.
‘I have a gas engine that is giving me some trouble as to
the make. The name tag says: S.S.S. gas and gasoline engine. No.
4861, 1? Hp. manufactured by Standard Scale and Supply Company,
Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania. The engine is an up right with make and
break ignition and hit and miss governor. The engine looks a great
deal like a Novo upright, while the plates on the crankcase say
Ideal. I would be grateful if someone could straighten me out,
because the engine needs a carburetor.’–This plea for help
comes from Ron Sprowls, R. D. I. Avella, Penna. 15312 – so drop him
a line if you can help him out Fellows!
A suggestion from J. Rex Haver of 643 Bellefonte Ave., Lock
Haven, Pennsylvania–‘Most gasoline engines manufactured by a
company look similar, be it a 1 Hp or a 20 Hp. A picture of a 1 Hp.
engine may look twice as large as a picture of a 20 Hp. depending
on the location of the photographer. My suggestion to all who are
taking pictures of an engines is-Place a familiar object in the
picture so we can compare size. A child, or an adult in the picture
is always good. A wrench, an oil can, ruler, hat, anything that can
be used for comparison will help. I think this is especially
important for builders of model engines.’ Well, we like all
suggestions and constructive criticism – and I guess Rex has a
point there.
WHAT IS IT?? – an answer – a letter from James L. Bochantin,
Route 1, Box 54, Du Bois, Illinois 62831. James writes: ‘In
answer to the ‘What Is It? ‘ engine owned by Cordon
Warehime, shown on page 24 of the May-June GEM, please look on page
9 of the same issue. Compare the carburetor, flywheel and tri-polar
oscillator of Joe King’s one-horse Maynard with the air-cooled
engine. Same thing? Look at the notches in the bases for mounting;
compare the oilers. If it isn’t a Maynard, it must be a pretty
close copy.’ Shows you how much I know-I looked and they
don’t look the same at all to me, but then I’m no
‘expert’ and don’t even know what I’m looking
for–you try it fellows-could be Jim is right, but you can’t
prove it by me.
MORE QUESTIONS?? -Gary Wolter of R. R. I, Ocheyedan, Iowa 51354
would like to know the year the following tractors were made
-I.H.C. 15-30 TG 89964: 10-20 KC 143267; F-12 FS 4I858; Reg T
127059; WK-40 WKC 3443; J. D. – A. 420476; G P – W.T. 404437; and
G.P. 214424. And I’m sure I’m no help there, so if you can
be of assistance to Cary, drop him a line.
School will be over this week and of course the swimming pool
opened over Memorial Day and I am already through a hall bottle of
lotion to help ease the sun burn on the three early swimmers of the
family. And every time I turn around Tommie is on his way in with a
new cut or scratch that requires those wonderful Band-Aids –
(don’t the kids love ’em?) and oops–there comes a wasp so
I must get the spray–so as you can see I must get all the
paraphernalia to combat the bug visitors of the season – and
sprays, and medical equipment; not to mention snacks to chew at 24
hours a day, I believe – oh well, here we go off to another Happy
Summer Everybody.