By Staff
Published on January 1, 1981

4520 23rd Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois 61201

All interested people are invited to ‘Recollections of the
Rumely Company.’ In particular we plan for a good
owner/collector turnout. We plan to bring together owners and a few
Rumely Company former employees. Owners are welcome to display any
Rumely paraphernalia they have such as calendars, paper weights,
etc. We plan to compile a catalog of these items so people can have
an idea of what sort of things are in existance.

By identifying who owns what farm equipment we will attempt to
provide a parts information and technical information exchange.

Martin Barlag, a former Rumely Company employee and avid company
historian, will be on hand to provide a historical perspective that
only he can.

Registration begins at 10:30 A.M. April 4, 1981 at 910 State
Street, LePorte, Indiana 46350, near the original site of the
Rumely Company.

Pre-registrations should be submitted by February
to Nancy Terzino, Senior Citizens Center, 910 State
Street, LaPorte, Indiana 46350 with a check for $5.00 for each
person to cover the cost of lunch on April 4th. For
pre-registration we will need the name, home address and phone
number as well as type of farm equipment for each person

I look forward to this with much enthusiasm as we are blending
the past, the present, and the future in a very unique and rare

Part of the program will include a review of the history of the
Rumely Company, perhaps lending the owners an insight into the
times that their implements were made.

For further information call: Martin Barlag(219) 362-6441
(Rumely Company employee and historian); Nancy (Rumely) Terzino
(219) 326-5354; or Cassandra Bowyer(309) 7863225.

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