Respect for Widows of Rusty Iron

By Staff
Published on December 1, 1993

9085 Columbia Road N.E., Louisville, Ohio 44641

I hope everyone will read this small article, although it does
not pertain to everyone. There really are some very insensitive men
in the world of Rusty Iron collectors.

When a woman loses her husband of many years, the last thought
in her mind is about hit and miss engines, tractors, toys, etc.

This has happened to a good friend of ours and you cannot
believe the nerve of some people! They stop at the house wanting to
look over his collection, to see if there is anything they might
want. One says her husband promised to sell him a certain engine,
another is starting a museum and would like to get one of his
special engines, another wants to return a cart and will gladly put
it away for her, or how soon will she be having an auction? Any old
excuse to get in the door!

She has to be able to mourn the death of her husband, learn to
cope and live without him, has a mountain of hospital and doctor
bills, with paper work to do, everything goes through probate
court, etc. Give the lady time to heal!

Please fellows, if you can’t offer condolence and support at
a time like this, just leave the woman alone. This could be your
wife and I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate someone trying to
get the best of her and your prized collection.

Read your GEM and local papers to watch for auctions, or just
listen to the passing via the grapevine, but don’t call her on
the phone or knock on her door.

This man was widely known throughout many states and I’m
sure a lot of you will know as to whom I’m speaking. His wife
didn’t wish to have the name published as it may open up
another flood gate.

Remember the old saying, ‘The Best Comes to Those Who

Please, people, use common sense and have some compassion.

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