By Staff
Published on May 1, 1972
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Courtesy of Percy L. Dezotell, 254 Elma Avenue, N. E., Salem, Oregon 97301.
Courtesy of Percy L. Dezotell, 254 Elma Avenue, N. E., Salem, Oregon 97301.
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Replicas of the 1920s. Courtesy of Percy L. Dezotell, 254 Elma Avenue, N. E., Salem, Oregon 97301
Replicas of the 1920s. Courtesy of Percy L. Dezotell, 254 Elma Avenue, N. E., Salem, Oregon 97301
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Courtesy of Percy L. Dezotell, 254 Elma Avenue, N. E., Salem, Oregon 97301.
Courtesy of Percy L. Dezotell, 254 Elma Avenue, N. E., Salem, Oregon 97301.
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Courtesy of Edwin H. Bredemeier, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441.
Courtesy of Edwin H. Bredemeier, Steinauer, Nebraska 68441.

254 Elma Avenue, N. E., Salem, Oregon 97301.

(A former farm boy brought up on a Saskatchewan farm)

1929-2 cylinder Hart-Parr 12-24 owned and restored by Percy.

I have a miniature farm display that I made by hand, showing how
we farmed during 1920 to 1930.

My father and I farmed quite big in the 1920s. Most farms were a
half section, but we farmed around one and a half sections, mostly
with horses until 1920 when we purchased a 10-20 Titan to do the
heavy work. In those days he and I did a lot of spring plowing and
the Titan was used all year round for the spring field work and the
summer fallowing. The Titan was hitched to a binder during harvest
and on the belt for threshing. Dad custom threshed, so it had quite
a work-out and in the winter he did custom feed chopping.

1934-4 cylinder Hart-Parr 28-44 owned and restored by Percy. 12
x 24 in background.

The first separator that I remember Dad purchased was an
Aultman-Taylor in 1920. In 1921 he bought a 24 x 36 Waterloo
separator. In 1926 he traded the Titan engine in on a 16-30 Eagle
Tractor, which was used the same as the Titan had been. In 1928 he
traded the Eagle and the Waterloo separator in on a 18-36 Hart-Parr
and 28 x 48 Belle City separator.

There was a big crop in 1928, but there was lots of straw and
the grain froze. It was poor quality 6 and feed. The price was very
poor. I ran both ends of the machine. We had six bundle teams and
Dad hauled grain with a one-ton Star truck. We really put through a
lot of straw! It was yielding 40 to 50 bushels per acre. We did a
lot of custom threshing and threshed long after freeze-up.

This display represents what took place on a farm in a crop
season. Also, it is spread over a 10-year period from 1920-1930,
when horses and small gas tractors were used together. It is set up
to show preparing the soil for spring seeding and summer fallowing.
In the summer we used the moldboard plow, the one-way discs and the
cultivator. During harvest, it shows the horses on the binder,
bundle wagons and grain wagon.

I have 60 head of horses and mules in this display, hitched to
different pieces of machinery and a few in the corral. Actually, we
never had many horses at a time, but kept them busy all year on
different types of machinery. However, I made enough to display the
whole crop season at one time.

The farm buildings are replicas of our home farm buildings. The
windmill by the barn is powered by electric motor and pumps water
while on display. The horses are whittled out of balsa wood and
painted. The machinery is made of metal and most of it works, as it
did in those days. Everything is made on a scale of ? inch per

This particular picture was taken at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Western Development Museum, while it was on display July 1-6, 1968
for the Pion-Era celebration. I also displayed there in 1964, 1965,
and 1970.

One of William J. Mayberry’s collection of Oil Pulls at the
Northeast Nebraska Threshers Reunion in Niobrara, Nebraska in
September 1971.

The following article was sent to us by Paul M. Banta, 5251
Pontiac Lake Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48054. We thank The Pontiac
Press newspaper for their permission to reprint article and
picture–Anna Mae.

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