Panzer Party Is Growing PETERSVILLE, MARYLAND, OCTOBER 25-26,1999

By Staff
Published on April 1, 2000

The Petersville Panzer Party was a blast. Over 80 enthusiasts
and approximately 40 tractors were present. Folks came from
Michigan, Ohio, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York. Pennsylvania,
Maryland, and Virginia. This was our first two-day event. We
didn’t keep right on schedule but there was a lot to do. We had
our first Panzer pull, rodeo of tractor games, parade with a full
range of models, and a club photo of members and their

The headquarters information booth had a variety of
commemorative items for sale (hats, T-shirts, sweatshirts and
plaques). Ellen Haynes, Glenda Conn and Susan Heller were busy
processing registrations, renewals and new memberships. Fabulous
fried chicken dinners were brought in from a local diner. Several
member’s wives helped with distribution of approximately 50
lunches. Helpers included Anna Knicely, Roxanne Haines, Glenda Conn
and Susan Heller. We were about double the size of the previous
year, so we really didn’t know how many to expect. The food
seemed to hold out so that we were able to serve everyone.

There were several Panzer demonstration areas. The Panzer Pull
was a sight to see. Several members tried pulling the stone boat
provided by Dan Demers and his dad. They hauled the boat all the
way from Connecticut. Bill Janitor and Dan Demers coordinated their
efforts in making the Panzer Pull a fun experience. Each of them
have quite a lot of pulling experience. There were two loaders
demonstrated at the gravel pit site including Bob Stoltzfus’
loader (driven by his son-in-law) and Michael Heller on his newly
acquired Johnson loader. The loader demonstration at the gravel pit
site was enjoyable to see. The Panzer 11AC1 power saw was displayed
and demonstrated by Don McKenzie. This is an unusual piece.
We’ve only seen a few in the club. It was a delight that Don
could come out and set up the saw demonstration. The plowing
demonstration was performed by Michael Heller at the back field
which was cool to watch. Once again onlookers were amazed at how
well a Panzer could plow. Ron Helman brought his adult size pedal
pull tractor for the older kids.

If you stayed around for the Saturday evening slide show
presentation, you would have had a few laughs. Al Hofer showed an
entertaining Panzer slide presentation and also showed several
humorous scenes of a Panzer grill.

We will meet at the Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, Spring Fling
Show, April 29-30, 2000. The Panzer will be the featured tractor.
Also, keep watch on the club web site for specific dates for the
4th annual Fall Panzer Party in Petersville, Maryland, October

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