E2794 Hwy 54, Casco, Wisconsin 54205
Sometimes a person can have a love-hate relationship with an
object. My grandfather purchased our Massey-Harris tractor new,
shortly after World War Two. I don’t know if the tractor still
exists, but if she does, this is for her-
Old Massey-Harris ’81
You son-of-a-gun.
Cause of many mistakes;
never had good brakes.
Barbed wire around your nose;
crashing through fence rows.
Over dead furrows flying.
As a boy you set me crying.
The hay rack was smashed
and manure spreader bashed.
Cracks in frame and fender;
a disgrace to your gender.
Dented, rusted piece of tin,
your soul full of sin.
Smoking, chugging hunk,
a nasty pile of junk.
When your existence ceases,
may you rest in little pieces.