By Doris Soults
Editor, Branch 8 EDGE&TA Newsletter, 3001 W. Inyo, Tulare,
California 93274
My husband looks for antique tractors.
He searches far and wide.
‘How much?’ and ‘How far?’ are deciding
Not how much room inside.
He built a big new storage barn,
Then started moving them in.
The barn seemed too small. He said, ‘Oh, Darn!
Guess I’ll start building again.’
He started building another and soon
I found him outside one night
Looking at it in the light of the moon.
It was an amusing sight.
Hands in his pockets; on his face a frown;
I asked him, ‘What are you thinking?’
With a sigh and a smile turned upside down,
He said, ‘It’s amazing how my barns keep